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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. Whats it worth. I could be tempted.
  2. I bet its in the Old Fread's section.
  3. Never sure if I like this record, got it on CD but for £34 I would get to like it or sell it.
  4. £50 and I have one for sale nice A-side a bit Jazzy. On Hold.
  5. Thought it was still £15 nice tune seen it about a lot.
  6. This isnt Chuck Wright on Ember as well is it.
  7. You could always try the SS library to tickle your taste buds.
  8. I have just checked out what he is selling and he is asking for around 5K for 77 £10 CD.
  9. Seen an LA Story as well, that's an idea to sell of your mates copy.
  10. I have seen a few of these posted up for sale the last few days 220169223556 ebay and its worth more than some of the records on the CD is any one willing to pay this much.
  11. Guess what, I have a spare. Did you get sorted on that Jimmy Ricks.
  12. What's it say in the dead wax and do you think its the same version. £70 for a plain paper label, suppose if it was the 7" £180.
  13. I have had stuff of him before, if you want you can always recorded delivery on the cash as the other guy said, US sellers are nomaly 100 0/0
  14. In Down Town Memphis, nice to see its July 1968. Hi Dave.
  15. Looks like they got those clothes out of a big hamper basket, I want to wear the smock.
  16. Its all down to the long matrix number on the ZZ& Co.
  17. What and ugly bunch compared to your Princely looks Mr Flynn.
  18. Was this booted then, I have a copy for sale.
  19. Now you say it I think I have seen that green boot one.
  20. I saw a white demo on ebay the other day, but sure somebody said that they were bootlegs.
  21. I have that CD and the sound is quality is crap on that recording so I got a copy, an issue Cruel Love -Nashville stamped.
  22. Came out on a UK ep Ride Your Pony being the main track.
  23. Hi Nick do you have a sound clip of The Intensions B-side as well.
  24. Lyrics - So glad - GNP M- £100 (original to the Toby bullard boot) It is a different take on the track from a master tape story is.

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