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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. A Red demo never seen 1 of them. Up it to £55.50 Seen a red Tommy Yates
  2. I will pay £55 for a copy, a yellow demo or a blue issue, not black thanks. So then I will have a pale blue demo for sale.
  3. Well its on the page Eddie in your last played clips. I wonder if some of the recording is a backing track with the orchestra played out over a speaker with other stuff being recorded at the time over th top then vocals put on last, over all the mess. Lovely track. If you go into refo soul you can get the tracks number for putting it in the page.
  4. What an option, stay at home and poison your pets.
  5. Its great, sounds like a live band playing through a little black window, great heavy bass & brass - big piano sound and one single hair pin lying on the floor. Brill fat sounding track.
  6. In a lot of these records there is a large amount of energy I suppose to get the loudest sound off the record MGM and Verve on average tend to be midband and hazy sounding, but there is no guarantee that all records are made from master tapes, it could be they were so desperate to get a record out and not wanting to leave the valuables in the hands of any old Tom Dick or Harry an acetate could be cut and taken to the pressing plant as fast as fook. Then there are records with a hiss -Accents Who You Gonna Love probably without the hiss it would sound too clean and new. My worst is The Poodles Step By Step untill it gets to the end.
  7. https://cgi.ebay.co.uk/BOBBY-TAYLOR-DONT-BE...VQQcmdZViewItem
  8. So is Dr True Love 1 to 93 What's an ago-o-file other than MILF
  9. Bobby on Battle 16Teen Years In The Making, every time I listen to this record it reminds me of the Experts on Tag or Jo-By My Love Is Real although the B-side is a duet with Tommy Dodson? Supposedly, any body have any info.
  10. Oh dear that's a crap record IMO I was after a Pete Warner type track.
  11. Wonder what I Wanna Spend My whole Life With You is like.
  12. I have a spare up for grabs.
  13. Don't think there are any hard & fast rules about times for selling Joey, but then it depends on how rare its and how many have sold that week, month year.
  14. I think there are more GO boots than originals so at best £20 to £40 had one in 1977 for £1.20.
  15. Tony Smith has an issue I am sure, Ady C has a test press and Warren Boogaloo has an issue as well. unless the demos are red.
  16. For 15,000 I wouldn't like any doubt, bet in 2 years time you will get 1 for £45.00 with DVD recorder at Comet. Mel Looks proper but never played? it could jump or have a hiss from never being played DOH--- if this makes sense
  17. Best you have it before it ends up on his table like Troy Dodds did and all those Shrinees.
  18. It's them blokes in the van again peddling their wares.
  19. I didn't see your post VOS but yep sure he knows what he is doing. I wonder if there is a bunch of guy's going round the US with a box full of boots at random like those guys who sell speakers from the studio but we have one left for cheap or half price, from the van. I bet they would use the line he you use ebay, I have a few rare records but my PC broken, buy them off me and sell them on ebay you will make a fortune or a (Clara Hardy Tuna as its know in the trade) seems strange how copies off rare stuff appear at random over a large area all at once.
  20. Try that.
  21. Your seller has a Dean Barlow, it has been repressed or booted for The Jamaican market a guy on ebay said, only have a couple of copies, He sold them for at least 6 month's 1 a week all demos. You can tell it by the Dean Barlow being bold on the original and the Plug Side is small and not a tall font.
  22. Initially some sound better but on second play some not, all are dubbed of a disc and not master tapes so you don't get the quality of the US copy. See The Bigman Cry sounds better on Reo.
  23. This is 70ts and both sides a great one of my favourite tunes, Shit into space what a lyric Verdelle Smith A Piece Of The Sky, Outsiders LP.

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