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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. 5 or 6 were sold by the same guy on ebay last year and Manship had 1.
  2. Great song but no I cant, they sound white.
  3. A bit Military Band Two step for me.
  4. I am sure that the yellow is the black issue and the light blue is the blue issue, most I have seen many copies of either with exception to the high keys only. I started out with demos but have moved on to blue issues not to keen on the black issue.
  5. I hear a shead load turned up a few years back and everybody had one, as the case is a few sold it on and so price has risen. Shyania told me the story.
  6. GRFTGD. Suppose that the best way is to play them back to back and see if one stands out as poor quality unless they are from the same plates but missing the extra letters.
  7. 40 50 60 so I have paid for it, allways thought the blue was hard.
  8. Got a m copy for sale.
  9. More of a freckin miracle if you ask me. When there are so many people after this record and 3 copies $9.9 slip by in 1 night. I never count my chickens till there are in the roost.
  10. The first party of the second party of the first party. Hey wait a minute there is no Santa Clause
  11. 5 - 6 - 8 respectively at the least.
  12. Is this a picture disc or random colour has anyone seen 2 together?. I have seen 78's picture disced.
  13. Wow! thats great 45 Celler, what do you think of the sound quality when you compare them all together I find the original clear and calm, the girls gentle ooohhs is clear between every line and the chimes a quiet not like the boot. Would I gain from getting a Thunderbird.?
  14. I have had more white demos than dinners of this (well 3), I have one for sale. Been playing this for the last 2 years packs the floor with girls every time. Its also on a Kent CD
  15. Ok I have put 2 UK issues up but I will stop it now. But that Eddie Foster is very tasty.
  16. Hard to see but this is a deep red. Are we talking reissues, boots or originals hear.
  17. Absolutely thousands Ken, But I am on about 12" releases the as well like El Coco. Did pye boot or were they legit, Cassino Classics is Pye related.
  18. Most of the PYE records are on coloured, is just you have to put them up to a light to see it.
  19. Pat Powdrill Together Forever on Red. The Tonnettes on Dynamic is Red.
  20. Thanks 45 Seller thats the same as mine but better scans. Toss, I have been looking for a white demo for years as well no wonder. It sound's ok for a boot strange a little bit more impressive than the original but so dose New York In The Dark from the boot.
  21. 18 copies of Larry Santos, Result, see the price its going for on ebay last week..
  22. I have a copy of Out On The Floor, had it years and thought, I wonder if its a boot, sounds ok but The In Crowed sound better so I got another copy. Hand scratched in the dead wax is CR2049 the other copy has a letter stamp CR.2049 and a H. Are both copies kosher. Only difference is the cut on one is a bit bigger than the other HS Matrix, they sound similar.
  23. That's really sick guy's, I have some crap but that beats me hands down.
  24. That's really sick guy's, I have some crap but that beats me hands down.
  25. Not bad mate have a look. https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php...p;x=27&y=14

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