Anyone know what the B-sides like and a sound clip, most of Don's tunes have 2 good sides.
Did Dave Rastrick have a copy back in the late 70ts sure I remember him playing it and not Sam.
I thought Shiifty sold his for 10K and Mick H has had his copy for years.
Thanks for that but its not that tune, 10000X better IMO and a dancer, well i would and thats not like me to go for, well I cant say that cause the record is 2008 a new era.
Rossie is on again Saturday night so just catch the last 5 mins.
Wazzat, a different version Mr Gasher Sir, or is Ray singing on the Internationals and is the record Pink??
Woops F hooked oop left my beer in the garden and had a panic attack, No BP on the other just the other side, Pardon Me.
What a performance and a great hypnotic record, very soulful as well, not sure of the Title but Mary sings her heart out.
Anyone else see this.
Must say not seen her or heard a thing for years.
I wonder if that's my problem with this record, I played Tony Smith's Darrow Fletcher WHIGN and seeing it off centre squared it up and the tune cast magical hypnotic spell on me to play at least once a day for the next 4 years and I am still trying to work out that sound in the background like a clip clap kickow sound is, I asked Darrow and he could not remember.
I disagree JH has a raspy voice on both CGOTM & MBCOONW the Insparations guy has smooth voice similar to the other group called The Insparations Gota Find A New Love but they are not the same band.
You must have been talking to someone else mate I have no taste
After seeing your DJ box even Butch should watch out.
Eddie's version of Charlie Daniels' "Give This Fool Another Chance" has a classical southern soul mixture of organ, piano and chopped guitar behind which a finely wrought horn section adds weight and pressure to Eddie's tuneful baritone voice. The bridge is particularly well done - nice chord changes and some great shuffle drumming. Now you don't have to remortgage the house to hear it.
White country singer Daniels' own cut of this - as part of the recordings he made under one of his alter egos Billy Joe Young - was laid down in 1966/7 and I would assume that the producer on both the sessions, Ray Allen, recorded Eddie's version around the same time. It certainly sounds like it to me.
Sorry but I do prefer this side to the Just Your Fool.
No not from LPool but I was @ The 100 Club.
Its so cheap n you would be up an running, you only need a PC and turntable there is more than 1 on ebay so it will only cost you £15.