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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. I just got that Don + Baby Washington LP, the best track for me Is Stand By Me killer funk ballad.
  2. Your Boot has had the boot Dave, best thing for it.
  3. Anyone know what the B-sides like and a sound clip, most of Don's tunes have 2 good sides. Did Dave Rastrick have a copy back in the late 70ts sure I remember him playing it and not Sam. I thought Shiifty sold his for 10K and Mick H has had his copy for years.
  4. £60 to £100 I see it go for a rough copy £40.
  5. Thank's I have dial up and I am still trying to load U Tube for Freek Sake. It was great live.
  6. We have mentioned a few great late 70ts and 80ts tunes the last few weeks. IMO one of my top 5 Larry Brown
  7. Its driving my cat mad.
  8. Thanks for that but its not that tune, 10000X better IMO and a dancer, well i would and thats not like me to go for, well I cant say that cause the record is 2008 a new era. Rossie is on again Saturday night so just catch the last 5 mins.
  9. I missed a BP about 4 month's ago fo £36 on ebay.
  10. Wazzat, a different version Mr Gasher Sir, or is Ray singing on the Internationals and is the record Pink?? Woops F hooked oop left my beer in the garden and had a panic attack, No BP on the other just the other side, Pardon Me.
  11. What a performance and a great hypnotic record, very soulful as well, not sure of the Title but Mary sings her heart out. Anyone else see this. Must say not seen her or heard a thing for years.
  12. Where did I get the 1976 from must have been later Doh!. My mate had a copy at school in the 5th year and I thought wow what a record.
  13. The Orange one says FR-361-A 75 Mitte for a comparison to the blue, sure I had a blue one in 1976. £1.20 from Sinfonia Records.
  14. Err! no just from the USA.
  15. I wonder if that's my problem with this record, I played Tony Smith's Darrow Fletcher WHIGN and seeing it off centre squared it up and the tune cast magical hypnotic spell on me to play at least once a day for the next 4 years and I am still trying to work out that sound in the background like a clip clap kickow sound is, I asked Darrow and he could not remember.
  16. Out of interest, I have just got a record in, posted on the 3rd of Jan recorded delivery from the USA.
  17. Isn't it the Mexican issue??
  18. I disagree JH has a raspy voice on both CGOTM & MBCOONW the Insparations guy has smooth voice similar to the other group called The Insparations Gota Find A New Love but they are not the same band.
  19. Hi Deb, I looked at your scan, next to the number in the dead wax do you see a tiny line mark to the right. Its an original keep it.
  20. You must have been talking to someone else mate I have no taste After seeing your DJ box even Butch should watch out. Eddie's version of Charlie Daniels' "Give This Fool Another Chance" has a classical southern soul mixture of organ, piano and chopped guitar behind which a finely wrought horn section adds weight and pressure to Eddie's tuneful baritone voice. The bridge is particularly well done - nice chord changes and some great shuffle drumming. Now you don't have to remortgage the house to hear it. White country singer Daniels' own cut of this - as part of the recordings he made under one of his alter egos Billy Joe Young - was laid down in 1966/7 and I would assume that the producer on both the sessions, Ray Allen, recorded Eddie's version around the same time. It certainly sounds like it to me. Sorry but I do prefer this side to the Just Your Fool.
  21. Is your label black & white.
  22. I have a m demo up for offers XOL.
  23. And hopefully the last time you will ever hear it. I hate it dreadfull record was going to say tune but its not got one.
  24. No not from LPool but I was @ The 100 Club. Its so cheap n you would be up an running, you only need a PC and turntable there is more than 1 on ebay so it will only cost you £15.

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