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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. A mate got 1 off ebay for £1050 then another mate got one for £800 a few weeks later, suppose this is 2 and 3 years ago.
  2. Hi Pete is the moments the same record as The Moments with Deep on top except for the b-side. I hear tell its not the same.
  3. £5 - £10 and for a real one £800 - £1200 thats good days and bad hope this helps all could be M.
  4. I have a spare if anybody wants one. PM me.
  5. Verve Big City Soul & MGM Big City Soul Goldmine 2 great CD's I can play them all the way through without getting bored or sick to the back teath of the tracks.
  6. I am no good without a picture. You gave the blue one to him and he gave the green one to you and the lighter greenie blue one has a funny bump Doh!
  7. The Spy Guy's From Uncle.
  8. I tried to use Auction Stealer yesterday, a little red writing said ebay is not working with us properly at the moment your bid could fail, so I used another auction snipe.
  9. Wheres the DVD one with cine 8 spool.
  10. Many an afternoon spent playing those records from a cardboard box thinking I had really found a treasure. A lot of boots but I remember going there one Saturday (the little old shop before the flood) and asking him for a Terry Callier he said Oh! just a minute and popped down stairs came out with a copy for £1.20. I left the Fylde 28 years ago so lost contact.
  11. Eddie Daye Guess Who Loves You inst.
  12. In the day I bet that was a weeks wages for some people nearly two weeks for me as an apprentice. 50p to get into the Casino so now that would be say £15 = to £750
  13. Your a man of many talents Dave and a credit to SS.
  14. I tried adding echo, it gave a general sound of th FK but it is a differnt mix, backing vocals, main vocal and horns are all in different places. FRANKIE_KARL___CHEVRONS__YOU_SHOULDO_HELD_ON.mp3
  15. It allways reminds me of something else and now I know what it is. I have that one sided white demo and the issue on Swan as well.
  16. How long have you been looking. The blue were about in plenty in 1977 -78 so were a lot of other records erh I should say boot's
  17. They are just the same Vocal Inst.
  18. The Orange one says FR-361-A 75 Mitte whats the matrix in the Blue. It could be the other way round, all the UK shops had a blue copy, So the blue could be a boot. I never saw an orange till only a few years ago.
  19. I hear it now Pete thanks but without the horns and not as upfront as the Congress recording. I allways find Congress a bit in your face.
  20. I have just seen this on Ebay, a Red one last week and a white demo. Is the green rare it looks a bit Capitol? I always thing there are to different records when compared to the Congress or is it just in the mix.
  21. The issue looks like styrene then the demo is a Chess distibution and the other Red Lite.
  22. Freakin ell mate U lacky baggar
  23. Think I have seen them all.
  24. Is that the Johnny Hendley one. I can get a listen a sum point then or has Mick Smith got it as well.

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