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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. I have to agree with Mr X bet 3 times as many issue, demo miss pressed demo, styrene vinyl. Never seen a red WB SSNY Ike and Tina Turner.
  2. Every Northern record played on the scene except the instrumentals. 2001 is more of a pastiche of expectation than posthumous desire. Put the kettle on.
  3. 3. Total Eclipse Symphony of Soul Imperial inc Six Oclock (Supertime Golden world Strings inst) £25 I will take this one of you Ian.
  4. 3 figures some of the originals are not worth that but yes its a great way to get a Narby, De-Lites or an Al Williams.
  5. UK issues 35 45p when they came out and cut from records not master tapes are they worth anyting other than nostalgia. Just checked mine selection from the collection and I can't compare the sound to the originals never kept multiple copies of Grapevine or the original.
  6. Its My thread so I can do what I like.
  7. No mate your wrong its been up there for 3 hrs now. Its from my tree as well. I am getting so angry about people not liking this record its made me fart a lot and I have just shit my fur because of it GGGrrrr.
  8. Sorry to say but your right this time Mr X. This is the best dramatic Northern Soul record to come out since the Casino closed it was every thing you need, great build-up's to dramatic pauses, haunting backing vocals and a rememberable hook from the first play not many for the pound like this.
  9. Great taste in oldies my play list from 1977 in a little club my mate Dobby ran and got me to DJ when it was quiet - eerrr most nights we opened Thursday Friday and Saturday by then we had knocked Sunday on the head.
  10. Yes thank you my red mist has gone now regarding this John. I think I have it sorted now for Pete I have put my screen on its side and and I see it clearly.
  11. So the white one on the left of the white one on the right is a boot right, but the left one on the right of the left is a bootleg with a bigger margin. Then the originals that are posted below with the multi colour on the left and the white on the right are right. But I do see them as top and bottom.
  12. I like it and it was a chance to post it up to kill time, something to listen to while I waited for a reply.
  13. Ok I will put the mirror away but I do get a top and bottom for the first 2 pics and a Pat Brady link.
  14. Your left or my left
  15. Small Dead Wax on both of these.
  16. Popsike shows these 2 records I think they are boots but I cant see an R in the F-705 but the dead wax is to big.
  17. I have this on a CD somewhere forgot how cool it was.
  18. Soul Sam had a red one a few years ago humm 500 springs to mind. I have a white demo for sale of the same delta stamped red issue.
  19. Saxophone sample is very Bari Track , nice tune but not for a Northern floor.
  20. Not to forget Luther Ingram Oh Baby Don't You Weep is a killer.
  21. I sold a copy last year and then just got it in stereo on The Dells LP, funny but its the least liked track on the LP as well now.
  22. Errh whose Melba Moore? The response you will get from 99.9 o/o of the population under 16.
  23. When Love Grows Cold still make me tingle, someone said it was the theme to Edward & Mrs Simpson? but speeded up I never saw the program always at Wigan..
  24. My demo is YSY and INY keep my eye out for the other.

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