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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. Sorry Pete if I took your line the wrong way 50 out of 240 isn't bad.
  2. A lot of people read the Sun news paper its not a crime to read threads is it.
  3. The Northern side was great but the absolute mess of the barb up funkatiers was astounding to see, must have been at least 30 OD passed out all over the building.
  4. I remember an alldayer when Wigan casino DJ's all played at the Mecca, Sylvester and Light of The World played in the main room.
  5. Are you bonkers Dean Barlow ain't white.
  6. I have a Tabi copy somewhere I will dig it out later.
  7. Whhhhaaaa now that's creepy wonder if he saw you in the shop and said hey lets have a laugh with Dave. I once walked down a beach for a good hour a pebble beach and picked up a stone, on the other side in red paint it said F++K OFF just my luck out of a billion stones.
  8. eloise laws - love factory A few copies turned up some years back £40 but prices seem to have gone up a bit of late 80.
  9. Andy what were the Shrine records you got with them, interesting stuff.
  10. Isn't there some other releases of Fee, I cant see this being a tailor made track only for the NS just a record picked up by err who played it first Richard or Pat??
  11. Its a nice tune but you wouldn't get me on a train to Doncaster in December to dance to it at an allnighter
  12. Just look at the history of what's been played over the years even yourself has played out of date new records that had no hope of making into the mass audience Carstairs.
  13. Cause the scene is based on finding something lost and forgotten by all and sundry that missed its place due to one reason or another, sound quality or a distribution deal. Then to find out something has been tailor made bespoke undermines the whole concept of the game. Its always been anti establishment, a renegade style of its own
  14. This is reminding of that time in a DJ's life when a big surly bloke comes up to you on the decks and says "Got Any Northern"
  15. Keep forgetting about it but the Sheila is a poor quality recording sounding like Dolby was used. I will bring it home later on today.
  16. Err what are you supposed to do when you open the page I can't get them to play.
  17. If the record is late 60ts and is by a white bad is it called Garage Crossover.
  18. I have seen a bit of weird B&W footage but I wonder if there is any out take footage in the Granada studios or who ever may have it that's not been seen.
  19. Humm I have listened to quiet a few tracks on this thread and a few sound like the original recording probably dubbed of a disc (Melvin Britt) so why add the Techno drum beat the Videos are quiet good with all the special effects, can't the records stand up on there own any more or do the artists urn a good piece of wedge from a new recording. All Around The World springs to mind as being a supper fantastic credible record but a few of the above are of topic cause they are not from or ever will be on the Northern Scene unless they get press up on a limited edition thingie (but don't bother just for me) I cant see my self dancing to a video screen playback.
  20. I some times like this more than the other.
  21. Oh dear, I was thinking of Gene Toones Hi Dave that beards coming on a treat.
  22. No not really its is hsti rare.
  23. I can think of a few more Warren Boogaloo and Chris Dale its rare but not that rare seen 4 or 5 on Ebay and 2 of them were issues.

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