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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. Great Russ thanks and your self hope you are well and fully frooked from a weekends madness. It is a strange one I bet they will dress up the local kids in a parade through the town centre to celebrate.
  2. I see your point Russ but RW didn't hold the ladder for the guy getting into the chemists or tell the guy home many pills to take for a Friday oldies an a Saturday weekend bender he only instigated the played of Joe 90 not a prison offence but still criminal. I don't begrudge him trying to earn a buck its not as thou its a weekley event if he makes 2 or 3 k out of it how long will that last on food bills, gas electric . IL gripes about having to pay The Dells a total of one thousand pounds to appear on his video a thousand pounds a thousand pounds a thousand pounds a thousand pounds I phookin spent that on a record last week how long is that gonna last 3 or 4 band members in their 60ts A thousand pounds
  3. Do you think its time we changed the name to some thing else, to re-invent or a make over. I get the same, I say to people who ask I like soul 45's from the US blah blah blah so I do them a CD and 10 out of 10 say hey that's a great CD I have some Kent LPs from a few years ago thanks.
  4. I like that sounds very Hickor Oops my girl friend says its siht she says it sounds like something I would like. I like all those whispey sounds in the back ground.
  5. You could always start a new thread about your views and see if like minded people respond, sure it will put hairs on your chest it has on mine. . I would like to go and see if there was anything that resembles a real Casino memory left but I doubt it, nearest I have been to that was at The Forum for the Kent 25th anniversary, the shear scale of the room, the faces of people you now and don't, the music, all those nook and crannies where you can find yourself in deep conversations. Dream on.
  6. Roy Smith's version has more balls.
  7. Are their three by her on Onederful - Claim On You, Please Love Me and err another one Ill Be There that came out twice but with alternative A and B of Please Love Me.. Know to man that is
  8. Its me again Don't take this the wrong way but by putting the clips up in their entirety on UTube will this affect DVD sales, in the modern world of technology it's easy to store a web address than a DVD.
  9. Humm so he has not done a version of I am So Happy?.
  10. LOL those pounding drums IMO as well.
  11. I must say I do like Mel Britts bongos. Harpsichord, banjo and mandolin, banjo for Laine Hill TMO, mandolin on Bud harper WEYW and the harpsichord Young Blood Smith.
  12. If its any help I have 2 US copies Neil.
  13. Hey Tabs don't take me posting the wrong way I am sure I agree with every word you say but I have never seen the thing so I can really say one way or another, my point being for all the artist to have seen how the finished video would be before it went on sale. They is no doubt that it is a historic archive of material that can never be repeated, a unique one off that Ian and the boys had put together. Hello This is a fair point which often comes up. I bought a copy for one artist and have also copied brief sections for others. But to be fair to Ian, I understand he was only allowed so many complimentary copies by Wienerworld and, sadly, that wasn't nearly enough to supply 179 featured artists. Best regards, Paul Mooney Ady is probably too tactful to point this out, but he was talking about our release on VHS tape some time years before the DVD release by Wienerworld. Each VHS package cost us a fortune - much more, ironically, than it would be now for the same number of DVDs which give better reproduction. We were all exhausted at the time from getting SWONS out but we could and should have supplied copies of their particular video for artists who asked. We did supply some, but others slipped through the net and that was wrong. Neil Sorry to Neil and Paul if I read your posts in the wrong light seeing it as a as a hindsight regret that all didn't get a copy and not as an impractical hurdle you had encountered and allowed for under the stress and tiredness of the I suppose big push to get to the end of the project. I hope I didn't upset you both I meant no harm to your hard work, when I get a problem nothing or no one will deter me from finding a solution.
  14. I think I found Mel Britt by the site search could be page 9 or 10.
  15. I think you are getting me mixed up with James Trouble. I am not he. I really don't know what you are talking about or presuming what I am thinking, Profit driven, If I like it or not, I don't see why you have to bring your business on to a Soul Forum.
  16. I never said it was crap no and one can do better.
  17. Get a better accountant its a wonder your not on income support. I can imagine took months even years of hard slow work to track these people down, time to film, flight costs, editing costs, backing track costs, manufacture and distribution yes a big big risk.
  18. So its not possible to get a UK & USA recorders and plug them in to do a few home tapes.
  19. So its not the same for video as when a record is dubbed from a disc or from a master tape for a CD Release.
  20. I am sure you would like to see how you looked before a video was put on Release.
  21. I have been away reading the back pages I still don't think its clear.
  22. Explains it then and no second hand copies as well.
  23. It sound like a very big IF to get to your 50o/o figure. As I say over this thread stuff has been said and it could be that in anger some key points may have been missed out.

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