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Prophonics 2029

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Everything posted by Prophonics 2029

  1. Err wasn't it to keep some fine rags on her back. Sorry to be so picky Pete I wouldn't like to see the girl naked would you.
  2. Its not that much more to send it recorded, I always do no need to penny pinch when the out come is you lose the lot and do they still do 2nd class recorded post.
  3. Last night I found I had super human powers and that I could change the name of a thread at will, but it seems to have worn off today, try not Lester Tipton but retseL niptoT. or was it niptol retset.
  4. That about $100 bucks man.
  5. He said $1.09 get a bottle of wine it never says I paid the store keeper the money, could be he had $1.09 and did a runner with the bottle of wine? In fact I think he is in La la land its all observations see that black boy etc bet he's never been to a shop in his life bet his old woman dose the shopping.
  6. Funny is this LP 1981 and the single 1980 or the other way a 2 mixes as well 1 longer and the other shorter, violins, Echo, vocal missing harmonies and stereo reverbe.
  7. Could be a registration for the label.
  8. Yeah s++t rare let me know if you have one for sale even an RCA demo.
  9. I can imagine the old lady saying you pesky whipper snappers, if I have to go up those ladders one more time into the attic it will be the death of me, I don't know what you want with all these old gramaphone records I really don't.
  10. Yep just gotta keep your eye on the bay for a few weeks.
  11. Story I like this one Leicester Tipton ah hhaahhhhhh ahhhhhh. I think its Jimmy Stoke's on Trent
  12. So from your hear say did he buy the records? are they the same records offered on Brads auction? is this a scam or has quantity turning up.
  13. As the guy says I have no more why are you doubting the good words of RSwells.
  14. Cats out of the bag.
  15. I have a few Cameo's with the date on never thought it was anything to do with the release dates of the discs.
  16. There is no law that says you have to worship This Won't Change No there isn't yet but I will be seeing Gordon B later on today see if we can amend that with a little white paper. IMO its a great record common or not but I do like the earthie raw sound to it and I think that adds to the appeal of the track. But what did you think of the B-side no comparisons thou as it stands on its own. Actually Pete there is something about the start that reminds me of Someday were Gonna Love Again.
  17. Yeah but these are two issues, I thought it was only known as a demo.
  18. This conversation is going no where very quickly. And before you say it I will What.
  19. So what are you saying, I thought What invented the light bulb.
  20. Title: lester tipton - b - side Artist: lester tipton Track: b-side Label: soul-tbc view soul record info
  21. That's the great thing about soul music if we all like the same song it would be mighty boring and not enough records to go round.
  22. Have you listened to the B-side, nothing wrong with a record being to loud. I don't think its badly produced it has its own sound a gruff male vocal with a basic backing no scintillating strings.
  23. As long as you're not one of those who has paid top wack for it - or one of those fools who think a record's only good as long as its rare - I can't see how it matters how many turn up. What rubbish. Ovcorse its a great rare record one of the best. Ovcorse it matters how many turn up the price will drop no every one has 7000 to spend on a record. I won a record off him last week, very rare and cheaper than he wanted it to go for and I struggled to get a word from him but I got my rare record . Top bloke in my books. :) Never understood the fuss about Lester Tipton, it's a badly produced racket anyway. I think its just his voice could be an effect on the mic like a fuzz box anyway sound better than a most of those Reggae recorded about the same time. If I had the money I would by both, one to glue on the sales box and the other to glue on the DJ box, hang on a mo, one hear one their hey! I need another to play Doh
  24. Funny record the price goes up and down, seen it @£400 a few years back then it dropped back to £100 and less for a VG+ or -.
  25. Great record, prefer the Dynamic version not as cold sounding as the Back Beat copy.

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