As long as you're not one of those who has paid top wack for it - or one of those fools who think a record's only good as long as its rare - I can't see how it matters how many turn up.
What rubbish.
Ovcorse its a great rare record one of the best.
Ovcorse it matters how many turn up the price will drop no every one has 7000 to spend on a record.
I won a record off him last week, very rare and cheaper than he wanted it to go for and I struggled to get a word from him but I got my rare record .
Top bloke in my books. :)
Never understood the fuss about Lester Tipton, it's a badly produced racket anyway.
I think its just his voice could be an effect on the mic like a fuzz box anyway sound better than a most of those Reggae recorded about the same time.
If I had the money I would by both, one to glue on the sales box and the other to glue on the DJ box, hang on a mo, one hear one their hey! I need another to play Doh