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Everything posted by Haydn

  1. Original Lp, sometimes not always the quickest or cheapest option tho
  2. thats nae gonna work, we'll only have one good eye each
  3. I feel yer pain, the new glasses i got last year don't work now, was thinking of this laser eye surgery, buy one get one free!
  4. I know it is Pete, just being jovial. I have seen myself reaching for a reference book rather than online because I no roughly where things are through the well-thumbed pages Too many dead ends on the net.
  5. Books? you old timers
  6. ok then................................Roger Beagle?
  7. aaattsss mah bhoy!!!!
  8. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&tbo=d&rlz=1C1SKPL_enGB439GB454&biw=1280&bih=713&tbm=isch&tbnid=8sWTQPnLtl4vEM:&imgrefurl=https://www.45cat.com/record/rt06&docid=grPGNZplYVu-uM&imgurl=https://images.45cat.com/harold-melvin-and-the-bluenotes-get-out-and-let-me-cry-route.jpg&w=600&h=595&ei=zcDqUI61DKnS0QXZnYGIAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=289&vpy=115&dur=3264&hovh=224&hovw=225&tx=143&ty=166&sig=114305795168626065842&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=147&start=0&ndsp=30&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:91
  9. Oh god, ma heid :dash2:
  10. You only need to listen to how Psychedelic soul affected George from Parlaiments to Funkadelic. Heart Trouble remixed to You cant miss what you cant measure! Cosmic Slop indeed! https://youtu.be/6AvmgYHguWk
  11. I heard this a few years ago but came across a copy when in Canada last year, it has it's gospel tinge but still makes a mark on me https://youtu.be/HZpKAFFpOgA
  12. and still using those Hawaii Citronic decks from the hazy days. Pity he didn't save the piano! He could be doin the circuit as Mrs Mills wi that barnet...
  13. Which one of you fellas is Spartacus?
  14. Here we go.........cock fight!
  15. Aye. Rimmer-Gate, I remember it well!
  16. and with the same respect......... https://youtu.be/u7XEjl5GNS8
  17. It is a pain looking through a vast amount of pressings and boots on Ebay, but to be honest I have found a few beauties for cheap. E.g. Orig Marv Johnson Demo for the wife...£40, there was around 12 pressings came up in the search from a fiver to a tenner. Nobody bid on the original. It's your money you are parting with, just make sure you know what you're looking for
  18. A few copies of Joe Simon slipped through quite cheap last year, https://www.popsike.com/php/quicksearch.php?pagenum=1&searchtext=joe+simon+just+like+yesterday&incldescr=&sortord=ddate&thumbs=&currsel=
  19. Joe Simon is same cut, but released on two labels, Irral and Dot
  20. I don't know..........this other version has something also
  21. it's not on youtube, can you play it again please? Hello???
  22. Found this rummaging in a box on 7", kept the dancers up during a set last month. https://youtu.be/QxWxBkbUaFk
  23. I'll admit to having it in my sets, siding well with new breed r'nb. And I'll play Freddie or BB King either side of it. Early Little Richard and Larry Watson aren't on my agenda but been heard in main rooms, rock'n roll to my ears. I dont' who is touting it as northern, but then again...I dont understand that "northern" term anymore. Meanwhile.......my mate, who is a ted is puzzled as to why i am listening th The Falcons early recordings, surely I can't be a fan of doowop. Loks oh Lord!!!! I listen to quality music, thats my drug ;) H
  24. Will this piece fit?
  25. I gave up and sent it straight to John Manship, it's a very confusing issue unless you have them both in front of you.

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