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Everything posted by ExYoungSoulie

  1. Having recently heard this I'm now going mad trying to find where I can get it (and the track!)... I need either an MP3 of it or a CD title that contains it. If anyone can oblige I will buy them a beer at Bedford Ath on 28th Cheers
  2. Please Operator is a good shout!
  3. Someone beat me to 'cos you're mine, so I'm going with Tony Galla - In Love and Gene Chandler - Mr BIG SHOT
  4. I think it would be a shame if "our" soul lost it's "northern" label. Having said that, I've heard mates say "I like Motown but not Northern Soul". This amazes me and is, in my humble opinion, purely down to saying you don't like something prior to tasting it. NS is an acquired taste and it takes time... I bet some people didnt like the taste of beer once upon a time but we all get there in the end! If the label was gone, perhaps it could be sold to people as simply soul that they may not have heard before and introduce it slowly. This, I dare say, would fly in the face of many (perhaps myself included) who want NS to keep its identity but if the scene is to remain, why might not be able to have our cake and eat it...
  5. I like this thread! The thread started with the question of "when will it end?". Being a "youngster" I see things slightly differently to some perhaps. My background on NS is a way of life instilled into my by my parents. I've been very fortunate in that NS is all I've known from my own beginnings really. Growing up around soulies that would always be with the parents has given me the opportunity to know and love some brilliant characters from the scene. The conversation crops up now and again as to when will it end. It seems to me that certain er... "old" soulies love the idea of the scene continuing, others seem very precious and want to take their records to the grave with them. Nostalgia then kicks in and people fear change. I, of course, never saw Wigan and the Torch etc, but attended soul-nites from around the age of 12/13... occasionally Dad would even let me carry his records!! For me, the last fifteen years hasn't changed much at all. I really want the scene to remain because I love it, and soul music to me, means escapism from the rest of the world for a few hours in an environment where everyone is there for the music and there is no aggro. The grown ups may at some point have to concede that record prices need to come down to make them available to a younger market. I only purchase CD's and this isn't so much a choice issue but cost... I can either save up for months for one track or buy a couple of CD's every month and hear the sounds. It's essential that the experienced (now trying to find words other than old ;o) ) soulie embraces (I dont mean hug a hoodie) the very people that may just keep their dream alive. Recent marketing campaigns have raised the profile of NS to a wider audience through Cat food ads (including KFC) and this really should be the springboard for the people that want to keep the scene alive to open it up to the masses. Naturally, some will say it's crap or for "old people". I now have mates that like the music because i've introduced it to them, and they love the way people dance, but the events simply dont appeal to them, due the current clientel and the "clickiness" that can be felt by youngsters. So if we youngsters walk right on in... you have to stetch out your arms! The scene will remain. I so advise.
  6. Nice one - cheers fellas!
  7. Can anyone tell me who this is by please... it's uptempo and sounds a touch Williams and Watson. Ta!
  8. Thanks for the comments people, I'll steer clear of the one being advertised and go with your advice Cheers!
  9. never heard it before... but i like it big time... Kermy?
  10. VIP Radio has (for the last few days at least) been advertising a new CD (apologies but I buy those!) called Solid Ground, which from what I hear sounds quite good. It sounds asthough there is a fair amount of modern stuff thereon and I know nothing about this part of Northern to be honest... can anyone suggest if this CD is a good one to buy or are there better Northern CD's that give a good account of the "modern" side... Opinions please...
  11. T'interweb search suggests it reached number 10 in 1969... I think this is in the States... not sure about on the blessed plot
  12. Perhaps not " a sixties dancer" but Shotgun by Jnr. Walker? does that count? Good call on Please Operator too!
  13. For me, Gerri Grainger... I go to pieces (quite literally) Everytime...
  14. Never heard that before... superb!
  15. I've missed this thread... I'm trying to win my mates over due to the fact that they think is all motown... I'm winning!!! I've thrown my favs at them (some already mentioned) but add: HB Barnum - Heartbreaker Gerri Granger - I go to pieces Jackie Wilson - Because of you Alfie Davidson - Love is a serious Business... all great great tracks! Oh - Double Cookin should have had a mention by now methinks?
  16. Mine's great hehe... Jack Mee!
  17. I've heard the album and will be buying it myself tmrw morning. I think this is miles better than her first album (which was also OK in fairness). The album title is apt and I'm sure it won't be long before I get caught out inadvertently singing along to my MP3 player on the train! Soulful... definitely. Northern... nah I don't think so. I so advise.
  18. I dunno about that - I like this "new" one but rehab is superb... she sounds really Duuuurty!
  19. Is this off of her new album? If so, I may have to grab that
  20. New York In The Dark - Ad Libs (That IS Scary!)
  21. Little Willie and the Strapons! He was nothing without them... apparently!
  22. it WAS Billy Stewart!!!!! They didn't play the introduction on the radio... I now can't decide which version I prefer. It would appear that I am in the presence of collective Oracles! ta y'all youngsoulie
  23. That wasnt the one, but i like that one ever better! Can I invoice you for the glass coffee table I've just put my foot through with over-zealous foot-tapping???
  24. Billy Stewart? Now, see, there is little point in asking me as I haven't got a clue hehe. Does BIlly Stewart having backing singers on any other release? If not, it's unlikely him... I presumed it was a group, but then again, I know very little lol youngsoulie

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