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Everything posted by ExYoungSoulie

  1. This one is 30! In answer to Soul.boy - you ask how someone of my sort of age gets into NS and for me it was due to the same environment as your lad... he went one way and I went another. My parents are both big NS fans, my Dad used to have a superb collection - a combo of classics and rarities. My old dear was more inclined to like the classics only. My heart always lies with the classics and in particular real good uptempo tracks, the ones you can dance to... I cannot move to a slow song for love nor money!
  2. This thread has got me between a rock and a hard place. It's clear that whilst the vast majority on here really supportive of the new venture, there are a few who have posted detrimental comments, strong enough to cause some sharp responses. I'm only 29 (until the end of the month at least) so I guess I would be classed as one of the newer generation. I've known NS from day one really, have been brought up on it and consider myself very lucky to be part of a scene that is on the whole very hush hush... there is a level of exclusivity about it and everyone who is part of that no doubt relishes it. With the exception of one event in London I have always felt very welcome wherever I have gone and I love the scene for what it is. Having said that, the lads from up north are looking to re-generate a scene that will one day die out if everyone simply sits back and does nothing. It is not just a good thing if they are offering something to a younger crowd, but essential if there is to be a crowd dancing to sweet soul music thirty years from now. Perhaps some people are worried the secrecy aspect is lost for a while if us youngsters are getting into the scene but even if that does happen for a while, yes, it will be a fad for some people now, just as it was in "your" day. There is every chance that this new event will recruit and hone a new "hardcore" element and that HAS to be a good thing for the scene. Everyone is precious about what they hold dear to them - on this site, that happens to be NS. You are never going to please everyone so you have to just to what you believe in and hope for the best. Be respectful to the views of others when they do not share yours and most of all, Keep the faith. Keep going lads, it's a great idea and I'll be up north for it as soon as I can get there!! Marcus
  3. I'll shut up - April Fools Day was when he was shot, apologies!
  4. According to his Biography (Divided Soul) I'm sure his birthday was the 1st April rather than the 2nd??? I only remember that due to the April Fools Day link?? (Great video clip by the way!)
  5. I can't believe Gerri Grainger - I Go To Pieces has not yet been mentioned!!
  6. It WAS Jack Hammer.. Thanks for that - Steve you're a star!!
  7. I don't know the artist -sorry. I'll just know it when I hear it heh!
  8. Thanks for that Chalky - that wasn't the version I was thinking of. I just remember my ol' man playing it years ago and it popped into my head today. The version I am thinking of was a bit "grander" than that insomuch that it had a bigger sound. I quite liked that version though, the music from My Girl within it was nice
  9. I dont know for certain - I know it ISNT Little Anthony I'm after. Chalky that link only plays for a second or so??
  10. It's stuck in my head and I've not got a copy of it. Can anyone post up an MP3 please??????
  11. Blimey, I just downloaded Shake Me and had a listen... Seriously choked! What other music can do this - God I love Soul
  12. I was born to love you. My mates think I'm odd but I love it!
  13. All I can say is "WOW" Mine arrived Thursday which I arrived home too - sadly too late to play it. Got home last night and put it on... my legs are killing me from dancing! Even my housemate who isn't really a soul fan was bouncing about around the house. The presentation of the CD is cracking and there are several tracks on there that I have never heard before, also, a couple that I hadn't heard for several years. Each one meant the stereo was turned up just that little bit lounder. Honky, you are a legend! Cancer Research is my charity of choice and this month they are getting more than usual. Honky = "Saint in his own lifetime" hehe KTF
  14. I may well be wrong, but wasn't Jackie Wilson supposed to be an excellent boxer?? (Coincidence that I've just mentioned him on another thread!)
  15. Bearsy - Good Shout on "Because of you" - this is mine too. "Bruiser" introduced me to it about 6-7 years ago (I know its not recent, but it's the only one I can think of where I really went WOW straight away). I've loved it ever since.
  16. thats the one... you diamond!
  17. Help!! There is a youtube clip doing the rounds at the mo with some fella doing his stuff (not bad at all I might add!) and apparently he is dancing to a Little Tommy track. Can anyone: 1) tell me its full title 2) post up a link if they have the track Many thanks in advance
  18. how do i save that?
  19. Baz, Thanks for the offer mate... but I don't even have a turntable on which to play it! I'll see you at the Ath... I shall be the handsome one celebrating my 29th B'day!!!
  20. thanks to both... pikeys dog wins a chaser too!
  21. thanks for that... that's worth half a pint each so far!
  22. clarify for me... is it just called "time" rather than "it takes time"?

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