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Everything posted by Zed1

  1. Without watching it all again....but from memory...... 'Turning my Hearbeat up'. The MVP's. 'Out of my mind again'. Rain. 'Get him of my conscience'. The Lovelites.
  2. Well I would agree anyway... Change the lyric's a little and add a few crackles and hisses and 'Rehab' or 'Valerie' for Eg would have been a monster at any of the Big 70's venue's.. Recall the first time I heard her and for the first few lines thought it was Etta James......... fantastic voice, IMHO of course..
  3. And for the Father of the Bride (Which I was a few years ago) Trick Bags........... "She's my Daughter, and I'm her Pa!....... and you ain't nothing but a Son-in-Law!"
  4. Agreed..... This thread proves most people can't even agree what should be classed as 'Northern' Soul..... let alone 500 of the best of them!!...
  5. Got hit in the side of the head one night in M's by a flying copy of Murial Day!... Whoever was on the decks at the time had said "Thats the first and last time I play that Shite!" and slat the record like a frisby........ hitting me on the bonce!.. No wonder I hate the fooking record!!...
  6. Now call me an old Dinosaur here (most do) but there was a time when I used to go out and listen to 'Soul' Music and maybe partake of the odd cup of Coffee at the same time....(amongst other things) Nowadays of course 'Soul' is far to simple a term for the music and everything has to be broken down and have a 'label' attached to every part of it by people who are clearly 'Wiser' than me, so now I have the choice of... oldies ( underplayed and overplayed ) , newies , crossover , crossunder , 60s , 70s , R & B , philly , Motown , two step , three step , rarities , beat ballads , modern . Y2K..... plus a lot more besides!.. There was also a time when I could go to a Cafe and ask for a Cofee and the only question I was asked was "How many Sugars?"............ now of course when I ask for a Cofee I get asked would that be....White, Black, Decaf, Latte, Espresso, Mocha, Breve, Americano along with several follow on questions regarding the type of Bean I would like.... So no chance then of me just enjoying a 'soul' nite and a cup of 'Cofee' anymore then?? And choice is a good thing...... so people tell me!!.
  7. Would agree on 77.........awesome!!.. We all know Wigan had it's problems, but these were only a few very small flies in a very large jar of fantastic ointment......... the problem is, even 20 odd years later people still go on about those 'few flies'..... sadly!!.. I just choose to remember how good the ointment was instead!!.
  8. Fair points Spot and I would agree (To a point) about the Soussan thing, but the 'comedy' records you mention only made up a very 'Tiny' part of the playlist (I never heard Joe90 in 3 years) and this TBH is just one of those 'Urban Myths' that people use to beat Wigan with, ie we only ever went to listen to Tony Blackburn play Frank Wilson records all nite and other such Stereotype comments.......and lets be honest here, Wigan had NO monopoly on Comedy tunes.. IHMO This England was the best piece of TV ever about the scene because it was made at 'The Time' so no looking back through Rose tinted Glasses or the elitist Stereotype views that you get on here today, yes some of the "Flat Cap and Whippet" was a bit naff but this WAS the mid-70's and many people still lived like that, maybe you were lucky, but at the time 'I' had that crappy mundane Manual Job earning crappy money and living on a crappy council estate, and like many the Casino was our highlite of the week..........sadly we could not afford to 'buy' a life like some!.. I do get "Your Drift" TBH because I hold 'similar' views........ I just choose to interprit them in a different way!..
  9. Out of interest Spot why did the Casino change for you after the above?..... I was a regular for most of the late 70's and recall the filming of 'This England' (somewhat bizarre the lights staying on!) and I keep hearing people refering to this as "The End", or "the Final straw" for them.....but I realy don't understand why??.. I don't recall any 'Step' Change in the music policy other than perhaps the later CC stuff, but this was soon found out and dismissed for what it was, the rest was the more commercial sounding Levene type stuff that had always been there anyway....... at all the venue's. Perhaps there is/was an element of wanting to keep the scene 'underground' at the time, but other than a few extra daytrippers it did not suddenly become a 'Disco' overnight even thought it might have been voted the 'Best one' It's interesting to me that we keep hearing that the Scene needs new blood and we need to attract more people yet whenever the scene has got any good publicity in the past (Which IMHO 'This England' was) everyone slags it off and says they are going to jump ship!........ even more bizarre when you consider how 'overground' the scene is today with NS records being used to adveriste everything from Cat Food to Phones FFS!...... or am I the only one who see's the contradiction here??.. As a final point there is also a thread running re St Ives, yet reading through it there is not a single post from anyone saying "Well This, that or the Other Venue was better" or "St Ives died when this that or the other happened" ....... or does this only happen when there is 'Wigan' in the title?..
  10. Sounds about right to me!... There are a million and two 'local' venue's playing the same old 500 records so something to give the many underplayed tracks a chance would be a welcome addition, be they 60's,70's,80's or whatever.. Also most Niter go'ers tend to be a little more serious about their music so would perhaps demand a more varied playlist, Ok it's always going to be one of those 'all the people, all the time' type situations but an average niter should be able to cater for all given they have more time to play with..
  11. The problem (If indeed you deem there to be a problem) with Wigan is that it was the biggest, best attended and longest running of those great 60's/70's venue's that helped fire our interest in the great Music which is NS ........ note I neglected to use the term "The Best" as this can only ever be subjective, but because so many people went to the Casino there are always going to be more posts/comments on how good it was, and lets be honest it MUST have been good to run for 8 Years.... For some strange reason certain people read all these "I had a great time at Wigan" type posts as "Wigan was the absolute Best... Period!", and thus start with the usual this, that or the other venue was 'Better' even though the original question was NOT "Which was the Best?".. Then of course out come the oh-so original Stereotype comments of "People only ever went to Wigan to dress up in Comedy Trousers and listen to Tony Blackburn" or the stunningly well thought out repost of "Why dont you move on?"...... this is the point where to me they have already lost any arguement they had. I don't think any of the Casino regulars ask that we all should pay homage to the shrine that was Station Rd, but only to give the old place a little respect......... after all I think it's earned it!..
  12. Perfect Analogy!... People buy Classic 60's/70's cars because they are 'different' or an alternative to the boring Euroboxes of today, these old cars were not that well made or produced, but had a 'Soul' which you perhaps can't find in the average Beemer or Mundano of today. Also these cars now fetch tens of £K's more than they did when new but non of this money now goes to the original manufacturer, indeed many are no longer with us!!........ sadly, and just for good measure after spending all this money on their 60's classic they then proceed to stick it in a heated garage and never use it!!!........ Any of the above sound familier??... I keep my Vinyl in the garage....... next to my MG!!...
  13. Just looking at the Tommy Hunt vid from 'Soul in the Sun'...... not seen it before even though we have been to Tenerife twice.. 70 years old and still performing.......... what a guy!..
  14. So you ended up with a very smelly pussy for Christmas then Dawn??....
  15. Know the feeling!!..... I only missed one Nite at Wigan in 3 years when some cnut knicked my Austin 1100 from outside our house in Central Ave...
  16. Nice site and some interesting reading.... One little criticism though, the main page is a little to 'busy', perhaps some of the stuff could be done via links....
  17. It's all part of that uniquely British disease of knocking anything thats a success.. And sadly there are lots of terminal cases on the scene.........
  18. "And his records are not for sale".... an Iraqi spokesmen said today......... Our Son was there not long after you (Telec4), If I had known I would have given him a list of 'Wants'.....
  19. Er... Nope!.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Flaming_Ember
  20. A bit of 'Blue eyed Soul' by the way of the Flaming Embers and 'Have some everybody, And a little bit of Joe Tex and 'Better believe it Baby' has me heading for the floor......... then not long after heading for the Iron Lung!...
  21. HHhmmmmm.. Interesting thread!. IIRC from Wigan the term 'Div' had little or nothing to do with what 'type' of Soul you were into, but more the number of 'Day Trippers' who were not into Soul of any genre, their only reason for going to Wigan was to say "They had been"... Hence the 'Push Div's off the balcony' badges that many people wore..... Not that I did of course!!....
  22. Perhaps I am!!..... or maybe you are missing my point a little!!. The moan about playlists is, and has been a recurring theme on this/other forums for a long time now, ie the usual same old, same old 'Safe Sounds' that we have all heard a thousand times, there must be a reason why so many people keep moaning....... I have just put forward my own theory, even if it is "Bollox" I enjoy the social side, a chat and a few pint's etc, but first and foremost I go out to listen to the Music, the problem is at many venue's its the 'same' Music month in, month out. I get the impression at some nite's that to many people the Music is very much second to what the 'nite' is about, ie Mrs Bloggs can get up and have a dance round her handbag with her mates, while Mr Bloggs gets a late Drink, and if he has had a few to many Stella's he can get up and show us his 'Northern Soul' Dance that we have been waiting all night to see!!. It just seems to me that there are more and more of this type 'soulie' on the scene now, hence perhaps the ultra safe music policy at many venue's!..
  23. Not just Notts, but this is pretty much a standard playlist in many other area's as well!......... "Have Safesounds 'Top 100 Nothern soul' CDs, will travel!" Problem is, and has been said on this/other boards is there is perhaps just to much Soul about now!, too many venue's chasing to few punters means to get people through the doors promoters/jocks have to cast their music policies wider (and safer) to get people through the doors, meaning that at many venue's the 'social soulie' is now king, ie people for whom a 'soul nite' is less about the 'Music' and more about a night out and a late drink with people their own age........ little more than a teen disco for 40-somethings in effect!. There are some decent venue's left, with decent Jocks, playing decent sounds, it just means you have to travel a little further thats all!.
  24. huh huh
  25. Known Steve for many years!........... I will pass on your 'Kind regards'..

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