Who are these People?..... Name, Names??..... we NEED to know who is giving away OUR soul Music on this EVIL format!!..
Do these people not realise that the original artists recieve Nothing in way of financial gain from this, do they even have the first idea about the hours and hours of blood, sweat and tears these artists went through to record these tracks...... only for some promoter type to give them away FREE to the 'first 50 people through the door' just for some advertising gimick!!...
Next thing you know they will start giving away plastic Soul patches as well, meaning thousands of embroideres who toil late into the night in ghetto sweatshops sewing little Owls on bits of cloth - will be thrown onto the streets and their children put into the Workhouse!..
So!, next time you hand over you '£5 on the Door' and the guy/girl says "would like your free CD?", Just say "No thanks!, I'm keeping it real!, I'm keeping it Vinyl".... (Said Vinyl must be original and in Mint condition, ie no boots, Pressings, issue's or carvers)
Eat the Cake...