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Everything posted by Zed1

  1. It's interesting that 'some' on here say Wigan was shite after 77 but IMHO some of Richards plays in particular from 79 produced arguably the best Music ever at the Casino.. Good post Mark.
  2. DJ Genitals - Tribute to Betty swallocks.
  3. Joan.... I was a regular at Lowton from pretty much the Start and have had some fantastic nites there, we even attended the New years eve events when numbers were well down (for obvious reasons) now of course to start with Lowton had very little competition and was realy the only 'proper' soul nite in the area for a good few years - however as you know more and more Venues have meant more and more competition for 'Everyone' not just yourselves. Now I stopped going to Lowton a few years ago - along with Prestwich, BTH and Blackburn - not because I had any problem as such with these venues, I just grew a little tired of the scene itself and perhaps a certain amount of apaphy crept in where you think 'I just can't be arsed tonight' (which I'm sure everyone goes through) Now I do attend the venue down the road you mention because it's run by a long standing Mate of some 30+ years on the scene and I can assure you it's not been put on in anyway to pinch your punters as it were - indeed given the amount of other local venues ie Joes, Burtonwood, N-L-W, Culcheth, Warrington (X2), Runcorn, Widnes (X2) etc, etc, the 2nd friday was about the best they could get with the available slots without clashing with the countless other venues in our area. Having said the above and perhaps just to contradict myself ( ) I would agree there are just to many venues now chasing to few punters, indeed one of the above venues is only staggering distance from our house yet we rarely attend because as said above we've just perhaps had 'To Much' soul in recent years (never thought I'd say that) and some weeks we just need a break... Perhaps one day the status quo will return where we all have to go searching for our 'Soul' instead of having it thrust down our necks at every turn........ maybe half the fun was in the chase.
  4. Was Chatting to Chris when we first arrived and IIRC he did a cracking Oldies spot in the downstairs room on the last night....
  5. I don't know the 'exact' reasons - I can only give a IMHO, but the people I knew from local venues of circa 10-15 years ago I only tend to see now at Prestatyn or similar 'big' events, maybe it's time, money or just a general apathy with the scene that stops them going out as much, but I know in our case we've gone from attending 2 venues per week to around 2 venues per month... Maybe I'm just getting to old now but SIS has much more appeal to me than standing around in a run down working mens club moaning about the playlists and freezing my little nads off every time I want a Ciggie..... The names Paul and Sandra Green ring a bell - but can't put faces to the names...... any pic's?...
  6. I'm from the N/W and have been to most of the venues listed above over many, many years - Lowton, Cala-Gran, BTH, Middleton, Prestatyn etc, etc, as well as most of the other smaller venues around the area. but recently I've just restricted myself to supporting one local event and attending just a handfull of others as and when the mood takes... There are lots of 'ex' regulars from our area who I very rarely see these days or if I do they tell a similar tale to me, ie are very selective about which venues they attend. Perhaps because we've all been going for so long round these parts and have had such a massive choice of venues it's just a case of 'Soul Overload'.... Interestingly I've just got back from Lanzarote and the NW was VERY well represented in both punters and Jocks...
  7. A little random, but........ The Vid below from 80's Lock, Stock and Barrel group 'Mel and Kim' contains a bit of 'Stomping', but where did they get this part of the dance routine from I wonder?... Instro break about halfway through ---> https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=WPmy2fCuTjs Don't think Waterman could have taught them that!..
  8. I would tend to agree......... 'Stomping' was very different to the usual NS type dance and was much harder to do (Properly) many 'tried' to stomp but just ended up looking like Tigger on whizz.... Few decent stompers on the end of this Casino outakes clip.... https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9GQ-bqU_9y4&...feature=related#
  9. Was quite enjoying that until fooking Muriel Day started!...
  10. Your First mistake..... sadly!. They are YOUR ears, if you like a record then dance to it, don't let other peoples preducaces spoil your enjoyment of the music...... no matter WHAT it is In some ways we should all envy you as you don't have 30+ years of politics and crap clouding your judgement of a track, some played out oldie thats hated by the 'purists' can sound fantastic to 'fresh' ears...
  11. Apologies if a repost (Mods please feel free to delete/move/set fire to as you see fit) Just watched 'Stephen Fry in America' on Beeb2, where he follows the Mississippi from Delta to source and some interesting footage of the 'Delta' Blues in a Mississippi club with Morgan Freeman and a short interview with the great Buddy Guy in Chicago... Anyway, for those that haven't seen the prog..... https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00f7...ca_Mississippi/ And any excuse to play Buddy Guy.. https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xuRhaDrnlWo
  12. Couldn't agree more.... awesome "It takes a man with insight yes it does - to truly understand" Intersting lyrics with regard to this thread me thinks...
  13. We're there as well (first week) Been to Tenerife a few times but this will be our first in Lanzarote...
  14. So this isn't the Celine Dion forum then?.........
  15. There are 2 possible answers to the above Mick....... 1: Have you been at the Sherry again? 2: Has this guy stolen your password?...
  16. I still like the Nightwatch also (Long Long way - 'The Elingtons' was the cover IIRC) Interesting thread TBH as some of the 'great' tracks listed above had me heading for M's.. A perfect example of 'each to his own' me thinks
  17. https://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEejEQx1fAE One of those tracks that got hammered over a very short time then seemed to disappear of the radar.......not heard it in years..
  18. When people try to pigeon hole it into 764 different sub-genre based on year, production, label and artist - then divide this again into another 498 sub-sub-genre based on rarity, value, overplayed, underplayed, in-be-tweeny-played and how good it will look in their record box if they have the only copy (MUST be original, not pressed, issue, re-issue, booted etc) *Important Note* The above sub-genre are VERY subjective and depend on who on this board you are trying to impress (or number of pints consumed) and your newly aquired £15 ebay ultra rare 'Northern' Soul record from the 'windy city' is not in fact just another overplayed 'Pop' record......... or vice-versa.
  19. No contradiction there then?........
  20. Just goes to show what you mean....... How anybody (IMHO) could list those above tracks with such records to choose from as that fookin Reptile or Tribute to Betty Swallocks, not to mention 'Just lovin you' which makes even Frank Wilson look like an underplayed rarey.....
  21. I recall a few years ago at a venue 'trying' to dance to 'Trouble' The Agents - and about halfway through thinking to myself "I'm realy not keeping up here", but you don't want to look a complete tw*t and walk off half way through - so I stuck at it!.. By the end I looked like a baby Giraffe in Diving boots......
  22. .......along with The Triumphs 'Comin to your Rescue', a certain amount of chemical assistance helped I think..
  23. Quite simple..... With Northern soul you wear the 'Bags' - With Southern soul you dance round them.....

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