I was a regular at Lowton from pretty much the Start and have had some fantastic nites there, we even attended the New years eve events when numbers were well down (for obvious reasons) now of course to start with Lowton had very little competition and was realy the only 'proper' soul nite in the area for a good few years - however as you know more and more Venues have meant more and more competition for 'Everyone' not just yourselves.
Now I stopped going to Lowton a few years ago - along with Prestwich, BTH and Blackburn - not because I had any problem as such with these venues, I just grew a little tired of the scene itself and perhaps a certain amount of apaphy crept in where you think 'I just can't be arsed tonight' (which I'm sure everyone goes through)
Now I do attend the venue down the road you mention because it's run by a long standing Mate of some 30+ years on the scene and I can assure you it's not been put on in anyway to pinch your punters as it were - indeed given the amount of other local venues ie Joes, Burtonwood, N-L-W, Culcheth, Warrington (X2), Runcorn, Widnes (X2) etc, etc, the 2nd friday was about the best they could get with the available slots without clashing with the countless other venues in our area.
Having said the above and perhaps just to contradict myself ( ) I would agree there are just to many venues now chasing to few punters, indeed one of the above venues is only staggering distance from our house yet we rarely attend because as said above we've just perhaps had 'To Much' soul in recent years (never thought I'd say that) and some weeks we just need a break...
Perhaps one day the status quo will return where we all have to go searching for our 'Soul' instead of having it thrust down our necks at every turn........ maybe half the fun was in the chase.