Nope!..... can't see anywhere where I said anything about it being a "Dance competition"...
Sorry, but if you can manage to walk to the bar for a pint then you can manage to construct a simple basic 2-step northern soul dance - let's be honest it's really not that hard. The problem is people just make NO attempt to even try, they just do the typical 'When I'm drunk I dance like me dad' thing or perform a series of random moves lasting 2.25 minutes which in no way reflect the tempo or BPM changes of the track they're 'dancing' to....
I look at some people on the dance floor these days and think they must be wearing their i-pods as they're clearly not dancing to the same track as everyone else, add to this the number of people who seem to see a dance floor as the cure for their attention disorder and just do anything for the 'shock value' as long as it draws attention to themselves and you've got a scene that is just making a complete mockery of the music it's purports to represent. I shudder to think what some of the bar staff and glass collectors must think when they're walking around these venue's seeing these half pi55ed pensioners in bizzare outfits throwing themselves around a dance floor in this random fashion, I can only imagine they think it's a perfect example of why care in the community doesn't work.