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Everything posted by Zed1

  1. I was half expecting Ricky Tomlinson to say 'Northern Soul - My Arse'.....
  2. Wigan!.... when Dickie first played this...... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxetIcS_lMc
  3. The music at Wigan in 78 was just pop crap, unlike the quality rare soul tracks that are played on today's scene such as 'Tribute to Betty' and 'Standing on Solid ground' or even the awesome Northern Soul track that is 'Tribute'...... Come back Muriel Day - All is forgiven.....
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG3-C5_HCdU
  5. *Note to self* Aim lower next time.....
  6. The Clapping breaks to 'You Better believe it Baby' Joe Tex, was truly fantastic at Station Rd.
  7. Anybody over the age of 21 was avoided as we presumed they were from 'The Squad'...
  8. Would it have been late 76 going into 77 Pete?, as I remember the Lee Roye track being big in 77.
  9. I think first prize was a pair of 40" Spencers........ 2nd prize was two pairs!.
  10. Think this was taken the same night Barry?....
  11. May have been true a few years ago, but these days a big chunk of those attending your typical local soul night are pretty much new to the scene, and have joined because of the social aspect of nights out with people their own age rather than any desire they may have to relive their Yoof'.... Ruby Andrews is the perfect example, ie it may be old, but it's not an oldie as such. It just fits perfectly in todays nice inoffensive 'disco' scene where tracks are popular because of their safe tempo and production, hence why stuff like Sidney Barnes, DJ Genitals, Party Time Man and that hateful Tribute thing fill dance floors up and down the country every week......
  12. Always loved that Joey H track, but as said play this at 'Local Soul' and it would clear the floor to cry's of 'Can't you play something we know?' which is interesting given how big this track was at Wigan...... also interesting the people who would be happy to describe the track as "Winstanleys White pop crap that killed the scene".....
  13. Yeh,..... Straight out of the fooking door....
  14. Ultimately Barney it's the dance floor that decides. That 'Tribute' track I mentioned above is about as crap a record as it's possible to get IMHO, yet dance floors around the country every week would beg to differ with my thinking on this piece of shite.
  15. Agreed...... Tracks like Moses Smith and Ruby Andrews aren't popular today because people remember them from their 'Yoof', they're popular because they have a certain tempo and production that's right for todays scene, this also explains why tracks like DJ Genitals or that god awful 'Tribute' thing is filling floors at 'Local Soul'. I think these days the music is only part of the general scene, it's as much about the social aspect as it is about what comes out of the speakers. The days where every soul night was just Wigan Oldies aimed at the A typical returnee is long gone,
  16. It's his brother Pete, but you don't see much of him since Maggie shut his pit in 81.
  17. Wasn't this CU as the Elingtons?...
  18. Bummer...... I must have been off sick that week..
  19. Lordy!..... not heard this since the Jurassic period. Dee Dee Barnes was by far Russ's best play from Wigan.... CU as the Michelles IIRC
  20. Including resident DJ's.... Saddam Soussan Lawrence of Winstanley Ali Baba (and his 40 bag thieves) Secure parking for 40 Camels Never any trouble (coz no one's pi55ed) Special appearance by the Wigan Beer Belly dancers 10 Shekles on the door including free CD (on a magic carpet ride etc)
  21. Think you'd need to be 'on' gear to buy one....
  22. I never saw that much trouble inside in my 3 years Pete (77-80 ish). Got jumped outside one night by some lad who mistook me for someone who'd sold him bad gear. Had the obligatory bag nicked which I found behind the stage the following morning (empty). Sadly though, saw far too many people OD on downers the morning after. I'd choose early 79 when Dickie did some of his best work.
  23. As the saying goes, If you can't do the time.............
  24. Thread title is 'Wigan Bashers', can't see anywhere where Baz has asked that we should all get a Medal for attending..... Whenever there is anything bad about Northern Soul it's always Wigan that gets the press. The Casino had no monopoly on crap tunes and clothes, yet it seems to get the blame whenever people need a stick to beat the scene with...
  25. Wigan always has, and always will be the easy target. Lots on here will happily tell you that Station Rd was just full of day trippers side stepping around to a few Motown pop songs. Then of course to compound the Stereotype further, up pops todays fancy dress crowd in their comedy trousers and Adidas bags full of Anniversary night patches that they never went!.

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