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Everything posted by Souljer6

  1. Souljer6


    Has he not passed? Forgive me if he hasn't!!!
  2. Souljer6


    Rogues gallery Sue...Gill x
  3. Souljer6


    Muff friend of our old friend Smig ...(Gill)
  4. Souljer6


    What a bonney lass at the front left ...hehe xxx (Gill)
  5. Souljer6


    Married and was living in his parents house last we hear Sue (Gill x )
  6. Souljer6


    He's still in Derby
  7. Souljer6

    st ives

    Used to see Kath a lot bless her..x
  8. Souljer6

    st ives

    Nobby Stevens
  9. Souljer6

    grenny's van

    No she most certainly is not...this is Gill by the way Richard...grr
  10. Souljer6

    grenny's van

    Is Gill asleep??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  11. Souljer6


    It deffo is Rich, Charlie. Gilly is spot on. And there is the odd face in one or two of those shots that looks like Barbara Sweeney who he married. Anyone confirm?
  12. Pete, Ive been reading this thread, knowing most of those names both from Yorks & Derby's/ Notts, although I never heard Dave Thompson referred to as 'Thommo' Got some sad news: apparantly Eammon died in the summer. Liver cancer, presumably resulting from Hep C. Rich Hillel (from the right side of the Pennines!)
  13. Bet you went to see Del
  14. Don't remember Steve Black. Could you be thinking of Steve Goodison r.i.p?
  15. Doris Troy Up the Junction '72
  16. We'll echo that Mick. God bless Judy. Saw Les today. Understandably he is very down, still very torn up about what happened. We wish him the best. Rich & Gill
  17. CUSTOMER CARE - A ROBUST COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE An acknowledgement, An explanation ( eg. I got out of the wrong side of the bed), An apology - NO! But maybe ImberBoy has received a PM to prevent this embarrassing topic from returning to the top of the page. And please don't think I'm having a go, either. I don't want a bunch of fives! I'm just a somebody reading the topic who might have been interested in booking for next year.
  18. A particularly poor dj'ing effort, especially at the end of the evening with approx 10 failed attempts to play a broken record!!! The DJ was out of it.
  19. Slightly off topic but the LP was a high for me; probably the best of the great series. Porgy & The Monarchs etc and the wonderful, wonderful but never really picked up on ( I don't think), He's Barbara's Guy. Wow.
  20. Horse- Jackie Edwards UPC- Tiki, Taki, Suzi & Lies Now- O'Jays, Masqueraders Concord-Mel& Tim Rainbow- Errol Dixon Evolution-Fashions Direct- Errol Dixon
  21. So sorry to hear of Ann's passing. We last saw her with Rob Ward in Torquay late seventies. She was great and funny. Rich and Gill x
  22. Have we had Len Barry's "I'll always need you" yet? It's surely a masterpiece to rival Timi Yuro.--And never properly originally released! The world had to make do with Dean Courtney's paler cut.
  23. Got UK Fontana demo. Had it years. Knew about the release in the early 70's. Very revered obscurity on UK. Richard Searling mentions it to me sometimes. Think he told me about it originally--before VaVas--before he started dj'ing. Always considered the A side to be the side--My Love keeps growing. It never sounded quite right then but nowadays it sounds pretty good crossover. There's a photo of the man, along with Johnny Moore and Jack Daniels in Robert Pruter's book.

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