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Everything posted by Souljer6

  1. The Human Beinz in Dave Clark's Catch us if you can..............or does that not count cos its too blue eyed
  2. Obviously not as hauntingly SUBLIME as Marvin's. When I suggest this was his finest moment people think I'm nuts though.
  3. Well Steve youve got a better memory than me. Of course I remember Denise(very well) and Alison(very but not quite as well). What has happened to them? The last I heard of Denise was when she married Jeff Jones from Burton(I dont think that lasted)and Alison married someone from Barnsley(was it Kim). Steve Glover was way overcomplimentary; compared to his ultimate collection,mine belongs in the bin. I saw Steve a couple of times a few years ago. Still got his records but a bit out of date.eg He didnt know Timi Yuro which of course had not been not been discovered back in those halcyon days. Dont think he knew Cajun Hart either. Bet he's got both now. Hoagy Lands---THE rarist Stateside?? Maybe I would say. I've seen a few demos but I think only one issue. That's probably rarer but I accept, not as valuable. What do you think---£400 for a demo; £225 for an issue? RICH
  4. Who knows this great Van McCoy penned track? I had it on a cd by another artist but have now lost the cd and cant remember who it was but it sounded earlier than Marvin's Brunswick single. Any experts out there?
  5. Wasnt that Saints & Sinners? Incidentally, are you still with Des ( not that I'd be interested, of course!?!!!!!00)
  6. Well Swishy Its certainly an amazing thing. You're back. Really back! And you sound just greaaaat!!! Someone was telling me at an allnighter (possibly Chuddy) that he'd seen you and you were on top form. The book stands a chance, then. It must be 37-38 years ago that I first heard about it and was expecting its publication before the end of the Torch! Anyway, now that I have been as nice as that to you lets talk about this box. I hope its not a sort of proverbial, imaginary box or the type of box we used to enjoy getting out of. Or the type of box full of "used to haves"such as the Hoagy Lands on Stateside. I never got that one, wish I had. When you look back it would have been worth twice the price just for the memories it could evoke. If you find any Red & Browns or the like rolling around at the bottom of the box I think they might be mine! I remember the miner bird making a grab for them. Please save them for me. R&G (but she's not participating this time) PS Heaven & Hell was a niter in Glossop, I recall.
  7. The train has pulled out of Stockport station with the crew aboard. Someone's got a Discatron that's lost its stylus Plevs got a coffee jar full of colours...green, brown, red brown, brown, clear, green, clear, black, white, pink((twoshades)etc. It was brown and red for me...or was it the other way around. No matter. I later learned that was the best choice. The night became alive. Then we were there. Crewe Station, no tickets, a run at the gates. Phil S from Donny is pulled but we're through! And in a little while we're waiting for the back door. It never happened and so our entry had to become official, our pockets lightened. Inside, its dark and very awake. Alan Day is in his capsule. He's starship commander and I'm on the floor.....in a big way!!! The sounds were progressing and looking back from today, amidst the Okehs, Ric Tics etc there was The Poets' Two Hearts. There was Sam Nesbit's eagerly awaited 444 release that never happened. Amos,I guess but my first hearing. It was all over so soon, that night. But for me it was never over. A wave of Northern Soul excess and 38 years later..... It's Radcliffe and I'm a shinin' my dancing shoes (gotta be Church's Royals). The coffee jar is gone. The colours have faded and degraded to a white mush. The recovery payback is extended to almost a week. Is it still worth it?? But then ............THERE'S THAT RHYTHM...........

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