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Everything posted by Souljer6

  1. How do you train your little chap to do that?
  2. NO! He always tells me he's not got one.....so he cant have, can he? Why else would he say that? Sues got one but its no use phoning it; everytime I've tried she's not answered. Funny that. Obviously they dont realise its me.
  3. OK but Bessie Banks' "inferior" original? You've surely got a case of typing dyslexia despite being the font which I readily acknowledge you are. How can Denny Laine have trumped Bessie? It's an almost note for note copy with a weaker vocal; is'nt it ??????????????
  4. The b side "This Hammer" is also a cover. Old US folksong. Some would say the better side. Played in the orig Wheel era
  5. Why'd you need to know Pete, get your coat nicked? Might let you know after pt 2-- VaVas but I'll give you a clue: my nose has never recovered after continually walking into those fucking glass partitions.
  6. I've got a couple of sounds on DHC. It's a Jamaican label I believe
  7. This is a great thread, can I join in? Pete Coulson-- never realised you went back to these days. Brent, just seen your old photo. No wonder it took me so long to recognise you again. The years can be cruel! Lets start off with Troggs. As I recall it was only on 2 or 3 times but I'm sure I would have been to them all. I remember Bob behind the decks--first time I ever met him. Brent mentions the cloakroom incident . This is when the coats got nicked. No one found out who'd done that but now I know. My wife (I didnt know her then; I properly met her a year or two later at Sale Blue rooms) had moved up to live in a flat in Nottingham and was there that night with some of the Notts lot. One of them did it but I better not say who in case of reprisals. OK I'll give a hint with his initials-PJ-- Steve Proudlove for one should know who it is. In those days my dad had a longwheelbase 12 seater Landrover which he sometimes let me borrow (that is when it was not in for for repair following a previous weekends loan).It was ideal for allnighters as you can no doubt imagine (but some may argue that I was not the most ideal Sunday driver!). Anyway I had it at Troggs one night and halfway through the night we (that was me and about 15 others) decided to go to the Torch. Actually maybe that was the plan all along. Anyway off we went but what we didnt know was that this was the infamous night of the police roadblocks, the night that the Cheltenham crew got busted as well as others.( Incidentally I used to know Dave O'Loughlin from Cheltenham quite well but I've never seen him since that night). We hit the roadblock as, it appeared, the cops were getting ready to pack up and go home. They made time for us though and had us all out being searched. I recall they had Alf Hock round the back with his trousers down. Now I dont know how many of you will be familiar with the upholstery in an old F reg Landrover but I can tell you that above the doors, at the sides there are some long spongey bits that you can get behind and there is some room there. IDEAL, let me tell you! Anyway the cops found nothing and despite moaning a bit about the vehicle being overloaded, they let us go!! However someone noticed one of their cars following us. Thence began a major crackup in the back. Me, driving remained as cool as a cucumber and when they pulled us up again closer to Tunstall they asked me if I was aware that the offside front wheel was "going round". I didnt twig at the time, neither did my passengers and the crackup continued until we safely arrived at our destination. I was quite proud of myself; one of my most successful driving experiences of the time. RICH
  8. Not much tends to stir my brain cells these days but I have memories of anticipating the release of Chris Jackson on the "new" Soul City. That never happened. Then it was a brand new label, 444 with Sam Nesbitt the first scheduled release and wasnt there a female track also initially scheduled? Weeks, months went by with nothing appearing but the word was that the releases were "definite". I think the rumours also included Chris Jackson on 444. Alan Day spun Sam Nesbitt in the early days of the Up The Junction and I remember an announcement that it would be released "next week". Is Richard Searling here on Soul Source? He will have the same memories as me (possibly excepting being off his box at the Junction!)
  9. Hey, never knew you were Dave's sis. Wonder if he remembers us too and please say a big hello to him. RICH & GILL (STAPLETON) HILLEL
  10. A little known but great album---------------LIL BOB & THE LOLLIPOPS----------NOBODY BUT YOU -------------La Lousianne Anyone got it?
  11. Havent lost her yet.....but theres still time.. Mine would probably be Hytones Bigger and better or (hopefully not) Hollidays I lost you.
  12. Hi Jim, And what a silly name that was!
  13. Taking account of John Abbey's profile in the UK, of the label's wide access to the US studios and to the enormous output, there were very few great releases, certainly from my northern standpoint. It was around at the time that there was a distinct north/south divide. I remember we up north felt like we were being sneered at. As a then avid British collector I had no time for the label and despite now recognising the odd ok release I still regard it as a crap label, a major disappointment even a contender for 'Worst UK Soul Label of all time' !
  14. Not Anna Craig's Life of the Party on Decca?
  15. Yeh... but an issue sold on Jan 30 for $19.50 (200431690128------dont know how to do the link thing). UK black Atlantic must be the one to own.
  16. Who do you think its for? I can even sympathise with the poor record racks in BR ( no, not British Rail)
  17. OH DEAR
  18. So, finally you agree with me. HURRAH!
  19. THANK YOU ! But arent you leaving it a bit late for Radcliffe?
  20. Youre sort of not there, are you Steve? Theres only one way to look at this............... its about style and attitude. Does Russ represent the style and attitude of the scene either now or then? God help us I hope not.
  21. Well you can certainly fight your corner! I still call it tosh. But now I need support.....WHERE ARE YOU STEVE????
  22. NO! What apologistic tosh Ian Dewhirst. Russ W. didnt 'put Wigan on the map', we did. He just took advantage of the then burgeoning scene, saw an opportunity for both financial and personal enhancement and became the ' big man' you obviously see him as. Me, I could'nt imagine anyone more inappropriate to represent our scene on film...but maybe you'd like to try.
  23. Yes, maybe. But the guy wasnt ever really into the into the scene. Can you remember him at any of the great allnighters before Wigan? He's an embarrassment to us. Have you heard him talk on the radio? He's the reason the general public have the notion that we northern soulies are a bunch of silly tossers. Aint that right?
  24. This is a first......I AGREE with you Steve!!!!

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