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Everything posted by cress

  1. Your pictures are awesome , like previous posts have said to put faces to records after all these years amazing
  2. Hi Tony i paypaled you on Sunday did you receive the payment ? if not can you let me know as i have had email confirmation the payment went , i was really wanting the book for my holidays !!! regards Cress Book arrived now thank's Tony
  3. At 60 seconds he has forgotten all the moves and words a imposter maybe's ??
  4. King Kev how you doing m8? Saw these in 2010 in Nevada met Mike Lofthouse & his lady there ! ( only , "white folk " in the building ) one of the best ive ever seen sure you and the good lady will have a great night , Adios for now Cress
  5. Here is a picture taken the same night with Mr.Farlow from Aycliffe,from l-r Wilfie Collins ,Joe Thophson, Cress Robinson ,Footsie Farlow ,good times Cress
  6. Mike ,Yes that was me running up and down with a bucket of Budweiser ??shouting and whistling generally making a fool off myself ! No Mike on a more serious note That was a very good night mate , O'jay's top, top band , think i've uploaded a pic from that nt , hope you are keeping well Cress
  7. Bob , if you look at my post i asked for people's view's on the matter i wasn' t having a pop at you or any one else and i,ve been coming to the Welly since it started as often as i can, indeed i don't know if you heard but when the Dukester was running it and it was going to close 10/06 ( if my oldziemers remember's rightly ? ) i gave him £500 to keep it open , the guy who ran the club at the time heard of it and put my name forward to do the new roof ? which with his help we got the job ,(heard he has now died , really nice man)... One of the girl's on our bus went to see the guy on the main door (lad with glass's on ) just after they stole the table from the 4 girl's dancing, and he just said he was watching them ??? We know if you were downstairs you couldn't see what was happening , so like i said i was not having a go at you or the welly ! that might of been some of the later post's ,who don't know you guy's ...... Cress
  8. Mike , first and foremost i don't want to get drawn into any long argument's with anyone ,simply asked for people's thought's , as Mr.Cane say's he to has noticed it as well ?? #1 when they let them in ect , within 10-15 min's one was running the full length the dance floor swinging his leg as he went this created a no go area , while his mates clapped and cheered ? also it was a full house no seat's tables ect from 8.15 onward's a table of 4 lady's got up to dance !! and hey lost their seat's and promptly left ....if they got like that in 15 min's the rest of us were wasting some dosh ??? #2 what they were doing before they came in ,so what ??/ #3 why fight with a load of pissed hard case's ? in every village, town, city they have pissed hard case's , do all the other venue's ect accept that it's all part of the night ???
  9. Would like people and promoters view's on this , was at Easington sat nt , great place great people ! BUT WHY OH WHY when all the other pub's shut, the down-stair's bar close's and people who are obviously a lot worse for wear do you allow them in ,i sorted a bus out for 16 people and this was the main topic on the way home.... They were drinking, spilling drinks on the dance floor , taking the piss out of every one , no one told them to behave or to leave ??? so why let them in ?? of all the flyer's on the wall's , why not one saying NO ENTRY AFTER 10.30 !!!!
  10. Seen this guy on GMTV the other day thought nothing of it ? go to youtube and watch it , pretty good me thinks
  11. cress

    this england

    Hi there Shorny thanks for the post , great pic never knew it exsisted till 2/9/10, the program went out in 77 so thats 33yrs didnt know about it , thats me Cress Robinson in the white vest , (behind the jerk in the flat cap) behind me Steve Farlow ,(the face on the footsie sleeve) and behind him i think Dave Brown (the guy with tartan on his shirt) ,a.k.a. rocko does the Motown show on Smooth radio .... thanks again Cress
  12. cress

    this england text

    Hi there Shorny thanks for the post , great pic never knew exsisted till 2/9/10 , the program went out in 77 so thats 33yrs didn t know about it , thats me Cress Robinson in the white vest, (behind the jerk in the flat cap) behind me Steve Farlow,, the face on the footsie sleeve,, and behind him i think Dave Brown (a.k.a. rocko the guy with the tartan on the shirt )the same one who does the Motown show on Smooth radio ..... thanks again
  13. this is a photo taken the same night me thinks (footsie farlow has the same shirt on) rest are from coundon nr. bishop auckland L-R are Wilfie Collins, me (Cress Robinson) Joe Thompson & the man himself... the arm that can be seen on the left belongs to John Brown top man John never left the sceen in over 37 yrs.. have some more pictures which i will post later if this one works????
  14. the isonics sugar kammy cress co.durham ktf

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