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Everything posted by Jaco

  1. Like the look of this. Will give it a listen on the road tomorrow.
  2. Welcome back Godz. Began to wonder if you'd become extinct
  3. Storming oldie - Kelly Garrett 'Love's the only answer' Got to fit the bill?
  4. Did this get any action anywhere? If so when, where - the usual. Cracking tune.
  5. Not this weekend, but this morning on my Ipod in the gym. On shuffle the first 5 were : Vandals - In my opinion Waters - Heart lead the way Rotations - If I could be like Columbus Odyssey - Our lives are shaped by what we love Reggie Sadler Revue - Love is like a baseball game
  6. Me too. Great stuff here and quite a few new to these ears
  7. Just listening, Chris. Great stuff and perfectly book-ended with the wonderful Randy Brown and Art Gentry tracks.
  8. Are the people who complain about entrance fees the same people who (often) overpay for vinyl? Just a thought.
  9. Now this is what it's all about. Just wonderful, wonderful music. Great credit to you Kev and the others for putting this together. Going to have to make this at some point. No excuses. Is it Ron Harrington, not Henderson on "It happened to me again"?
  10. Guaranteed to be great. All 3 hours plus of it!
  11. "In our garden" a perennial favourite as well as the sublime "Rocking you eternally" An under-rated talent perhaps overshadowed by the "bigger" names he worked with.
  12. Like the look of that. Your input has definitely been missed.
  13. Perfect nighter record. So atmospheric. Should be in everybody's top 10 in my opinion.
  14. I got this at the time and is one of the best put together compilations ever in my opinion. I said at the time that the sequence of Gene Toones, Darrow Fletcher and Edward Hamilton is simply electrifying.
  15. One hell of a vocalist.
  16. Following a perfunctory drum intro the brief but pounding piano shows clear intent for the stomping Steinways - You've been leading me on
  17. One of THE great vocalists. The oft recorded "I forgot to be your lover" probably makes it as my favourite of his, but you could pick plenty. He will be forever cherished and dearly remembered.
  18. Just round the corner from me, Kev and I didnt even know you were on! Tremendous playlist as you would expect. Must make the next one.
  19. Thanks Chalky. This is eagerly awaited.
  20. Not one yet read as it's not been published. So on that note, any news on Andy Dyson's tome?
  21. Vastly underrated outfit. Responsible for one of the best tracks ever - Let me heal the bruises from a great album - Madame Butterfly This is a quality track that I've known for years and definitely needs more airing.
  22. Bobby Bland - San Diego 1981 Millie Jackson - Manchester Apollo early 70's Marvin Gaye - Manchester Apollo early 70's Gladys Knight - Manchester Free Trade Hall early 70's Edwin Star - Basement Club Bury 1972 and lots of other places after that Junior Walker - Can't remember the first place now - somewhere in Manchester and then Wigan on the same night.
  23. Not a nighter but I remember the first track I heard at the Mecca was "Little Queenie" Could make it out from the muffled sound as you came up the escalator. Hairs on the back of the neck moment.

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