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Everything posted by Jaco

  1. JM has them at £400 plus for the Okeh track and a mere £25 for "Groove in"
  2. Don't know where it started but I got my first in 1971, probably at John Colliers (the window to watch!) in Rochdale and then later at Chads, a bespoke tailors also in Rochdale. It was part of the craze that the suits had more and more extreme features in order to out-do others, more and more buttons, pockets, longer vents etc. Definitely a Mod thing, whether or not you were into Northern. Happy days!
  3. Only listened to part of it so far, courtesy of Sky Plus, but top stuff indeed! I look forward to hearing the rest and by all accounts some excellent stuff and banter to come!
  4. Digging through some old LP's recently made me think are the Dells the greatest soul group ever? In terms of longevity they are probably unsurpassed and I believe the line up is virtually unchanged since their early days. "It's all up to you" is one of my all time tracks - simply flawless in my opinion.
  5. Yeah, thought as much - still proves that there's quality in depth by lots of artists.
  6. Got to believe that this has been done before and if so about time for a re-issue. I'll kick off with "You got to have money " and "Under the street lamp" by the Exits on Gemini, brought back to mind by Mark Bicknell on his superb Solar Radio slot. Must be 100's if not 1,000's of others worthy of noting as two great sides. Over to you lot.
  7. Thanks, Chalky - it was my original request from a week or so ago. Tim Brown has it at £2k - John Manship has at "in excess of £3k"
  8. Witches and Warlocks - Behind locked doors
  9. This sort of reminds me of a TV programme from many years ago where two celebrities debated the sporting merits of their erstwhile heroes with an audience vote at the end determining who was the "better" of the two sportsmen. I recall Michael Parkinson championing George Best and some other celeb favouring Kevin Keegan. You almost felt that all Parky had to do was to stand up and say"what the f**k am I doing here, this is a joke" comparing the god like genius of El Beatle with the talented but workmanlike Keggan - but he didn't, he manfully put the obvious case forward only to see Keegan get the nod. Parky looked rueful and I'm certain the other celeb was embarrassed at the dodgy decision, but hey that's what happens when the public votes. So in conclusion substitute Smokey for George and do the right thing - you know it makes sense
  10. Fantastic 4 is unissued Gordy track for the Temptations. Mickie Champion is Mary Ann Miles on Celeste. Patty J and the Contacts is Paulette on Contact
  11. In some cases the actual title may be different from that used on the cover up.I'm sure others can fill in the correct details.
  12. Ray Agee track was a c/u of Benny C Oliver "If your'e ever gonna leave me" on Objoco Jesse Herring and the Tru Glows was a c/u of Tommy Collins "Thank you " on TNT and Taylor Brooks and the Emperors was a c/u of "Gonna be loved" by the Barons on Etah. Tina Britt is a c/u of "My own top twenty " by Bunny Shivel on Capitol.
  13. Currently at £6521 - are we allowed to speculate in who's hands this will end up?
  14. Lamont Dozier, Sam Dees and Bobby Bland as a touring "threesome" - how about that?
  15. Definite discrepancy on the Janie Grant book values. £75 from me was based on auction price of $156 roughly £80 but, hey what the hell do I know! Hope you get £175 each.
  16. £125 for Jean Carter, £70 for Janie Grant
  17. I think it's " a costly piece of jewellry "
  18. Thanks guys - all info appreciated
  19. Anybody got a soundclip please for Inticers - Since you left Bobby Wisdom - Handwriting on the wall Timmy Carr - Workin' I know these are super rare but hope somebody can post them.
  20. Any info on the following that I have on tape from many moons ago : Diana Foster - I've got a feeling Alicia Myers - I fooled you this time Diane Ducane - Better late than never No entries in any guides, no label details etc so any info would be helpful.
  21. Anybody got a copy that they wish to part with?
  22. Sharon McMahan recorded for Karen appearing as Sharon McMahan and Sharon McMann - possibly just a mis-spelling. She apparently wrote Johnny Mae Mathews "I have no choice"
  23. Was this an issue? What about those lyrics - so poignant
  24. Like Durham, York, Salford?
  25. Can't remember who DJ'd here.Anybody fill in the gaps. Went a couple of times but it never seems to have been given much credit - overshadowed by the Torch, Mecca pre-Wigan days

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