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Everything posted by Jaco

  1. Some nice stuff there, Kevin, a few classics that's for sure. JM's latest has them as follows: Jack Montgomery £350 Daryll Stewart £150 Herb Ward £200 Sandra Wright £150 Velvet Stains £250 Garnett Mimms £150
  2. Regret to say that I never had the opportunity to enjoy the 100 Club experience but it is clear from, not just this forum, but, the many articles, interviews,acknowledgements, recordings etc over the years that Ady and his fellow colaborators, have left a legacy on the scene as important as anything that had gone before and which has been celebrated on these pages on many, many ocassions. It is to be hoped that this is not the demise of a hallowed institution just yet and that if, for whatever reason, the venue has to change, the spirit and enthusiasm of the 100 Club is carried forward to the next location. Lets hope so.
  3. Really disturbing episode, the sort of thing that you would not believe could happen if you did'nt hear about it first hand. I've been to the USA dozens of times and never had any problems but have always believed it wouldn't take much to upset the fascist attitudes of the police, customs officers etc. Hope you have a speedy recovery, mate and if possible sue the fu**ers for as much as you can.
  4. Sound clip please and info, if possible for "I need you" on Chi-Sound. Also similar for Johnnie Elby "It's alright but it's wrong" on CVM.
  5. It was listening to Sam Cookes "A change is gonna come" that made me think of this - truely wonderful vocalist,and not acknowledge as much as he should be for his song writing.
  6. Apologies if this one has been done before and for a depressing subject, but given the recent spate of RIP's who do we think the music and the scene (not to mention their friends and relatives) were most deprived of by an early demise. Artists, writers, producers - there will be some obvious ones and perhaps some less known. I'll kick off with an obvious one in Darrell Banks, just imagine what his output could have been.
  7. To be honest somebody needs to give me a simple appraisal of what popcorn is meant to be! It all seems a bit mystifying.
  8. £40 per JM's latest
  9. Interesting, Pete. I see it's on the "I put a spell on you" 1965 US Phillips album - is this where your track comes from or is it a single? Eclectic musician who must surely have a number of stand out soul tracks still to be appreciated, despite her "jazz" credentials.
  10. What about the Renfro stuff for Sequins, Carl Henderson and Sam Cox - have they been re-issued, booted? Any mileage in them?
  11. Walking in through the doors to the Highland Room at the Mecca for the first time and hearing Little Queenie, the atmosphere was sensational, the dance floor was heaving and I knew there and then that this scene was something special and would continue to enthrall and delight us all for years to come
  12. Can't play the clip, but if this was played last night around 6.00pm on Radio 2 or Smooth FM (can't rember what station I was listening to ) it was awful!
  13. £75 per JM -one went for $84 in September on e-bay
  14. All per JM's latest
  15. Subway Riders "After the session" - Moon Shot - first issue as I understand the second issue is a different tune
  16. Determination
  17. All £50 or less. JM has Johnny Payne listed at £150 though. Some nice tunes though - Don Covay old Torch/Mecca sound, possibly even earlier. Pageants, agreed should be played out,H B Barnum I think is ok, got it on a tape somewhere. I'll dig it out and post up a clip if possible.
  18. Baz, each to his own mate, the diversity/difference of opinions etc is part of the intrigue of the scene, don't you think? I could have listed any one of dozens of tracks as could everybody else but this track is as near to defining NS as any other. Epitome of Sound would be a very, very close second, however.
  19. Late addition but not previously mentioned (I think) Steinways "You've been leading me on". Rousing drum and piano intro, thumping drum beat throughout, great vocals, neat breaks - everything in my opinion that defines Northern Soul
  20. Definitely forerunner to Gypsy and then James Walsh Gypsy Band. Single is the only outing on Metrobeat, other stuff came out on Garrett, Banger, Twin Town, Soma, Dunwich and Pip. The stuff on Soma and Dunwich was as "Hot Half Dozen" but essentially the same group.Can't help on whether or not it was played out.
  21. Ther's another "unknown artist" on this "label" which appears in John Manship's "Million Dollars of Rare Soul" with the title typed in a similar fashion on the label - "Chairman of the nitty gritty committe". I wonder whether or not the output comes from some form of studio/recording booth where it was possible to just turn up with appropriate equipment etc and lay down some form of track which resulted in a rough pressing. On the other hand I might be talking complete bo***cks. Perhaps JM can add a bit more detail about the one in his book.
  22. It's included on an album "Testify" which is a compilation of tracks from his One-derful recordings. I t doesn't seem to appear in the One-derful singles listings for him, so it looks like it may be LP only or previously un-issued as you say.
  23. No info on whther or not it's been booted. JM's latest guide has it at a ton.
  24. "Sinifesela ukhisimusi omeuhle nonyaka omusha onempumelelo" for all Zulu Soul Sourcers of which there must be plenty! For the Soul Source team my best regards for the festive season and thanks for a great 2006.

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