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Everything posted by Jaco

  1. Ta much.
  2. Godz, as a matter of interest where do you find this type of information?
  3. As good as it gets. Along with Chalky's Stafford stuff and the too infrequent stuff from the good Mister Fish, these podcasts epitomise the essence of the music we love and the broad church that it encompasses. Looks like you're going to have to stay around a bit longer then.
  4. Way too much time on your hands!
  5. Any particular reason why he's not on here? Always good value from his postings.
  6. Where is he these days?
  7. Both tracks appeared on Tamla LP's - "More, more, more of your love" from "Away we a go-go" with "I heard it through the grapevine" appearing on "Special occasion"
  8. Per DFTMC no single release for either track.
  9. I'll be in some over-priced pub watching the masses throw booze down their necks and dancing to Abba, but you can bet this will be essential New Year's Day listening. All the best Chalky.
  10. I've never understood the notion that a track that's been heard so much becomes a bad track through over exposure. Over exposed maybe, but contemptible? Surely not. Away from soul do people stop liking 'The long and winding road' or 'Bridge over troubled water' for example, because they've heard them a zillion times? It may be that you prefer to hear something else but come on, in this case a sense of perspective is needed.
  11. Best wishes to all on Soul Source. Hope this also gets through to that parallel universe occupied by the Re-issue Sect.
  12. No please go ahead. Make my Xmas and a more accomplished and understanding human being.
  13. B*llocks. How can a record that's never been issued be called a re-issue? On that note I'm out of this one.
  14. So by this bizarre logic a US release of a Beatles track is a re-issue. And that's supposed to make sense? Country of origin - yes. Re-issue - never in a fukcing million years. PS - no raw nerve here, just a shaking of head.
  15. Time to put this one to bed.
  16. But that's not being denied is it? It's a fact but being an original by virtue of a timeline does not make the later UK issue a re-issue. It's not that hard but some folk want to make it so.
  17. It's just mental to say that this is a re-issue. It's a contemporaneous release in another country on another label. How does that make it a re-issue? Not being the first issue, as in the USA, does not make it a re-issue in the UK. And in this instance contemporaneous means the same period of time even if there is a time lag between the US date and UK date of issue, which some have suggested. Licencing agreements have existed throughout time and different tracks appear in different countries on different labels. Not being the first issue does not make them re-issues. Surely if Revilot had issued it in '66 and then say again in '69 that would have been a re-issue. The same would have applied if Stateside (or London for that matter) had done the same. The key here is "again" which cannot apply to the UK release.
  18. I get the " impossible to answer" bit and I do agree that it's difficult to ignore a tune if the dance floor gives a positive reaction. However I was talking as a punter not a DJ. I don't like the track but it makes not one iota of difference to me if others do.
  19. But that's what we do on this forum isn't it? Somebody states as a fact that a certain track was played at a particular venue in a particular year. Somebody might know differently and says so. Maybe not the most riveting of exchange of opinions but not particularly daft either. So if you don't like the track you're firstly a soul snob and then, worse, a bloody idiot. Personal preference anyone?
  20. Not sure why in this particular case people can't distinguish between "known" and "popular". Ergo it might have been "popularised" at Burnley but it was certainly "known" earlier at Prestwich where I first heard it. And I didn't like it then and it becoming "popular" has not changed that view.
  21. Yeah, how about one based on that set? Excellent playlist, Steve.
  22. Ah, the Box thread is what it's all about then. Not sure it's purposely about the oldies scene but there is something unappealing about people who should know better squabbling in a public forum. It was mildly interesting but lost my attention very quickly.
  23. Ok point me to the threads and I'll make my own mind up.
  24. I'm sure it does Mark but "there's a lot of gobshites on here" doesn't automatically come across as significant words of wisdom does it?
  25. Incisive commentary but somewhat lacking in depth of analysis.

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