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Everything posted by Jaco

  1. If I remember rightly Kev, the flip is "I've found someone" a dancer that's had some mileage on the scene.
  2. I've always thought that this track has the perfect beat/rhythm. Wonderful George Kerr production.
  3. Lovely track. Been a fave of mine for a long time. As Kev says the album is quality throughout.
  4. So that's what he's been up to. Used to be a contributor on here. Looks a great read.
  5. Billy Butler wrote it, didn't he? Never heard of a version by him either.
  6. Ironically - 'No more tears' Anita Baker.
  7. Play that funky music white boy! Interesting selection as always, Steve,
  8. Awesome Chalky. Richard in his modern pomp. 60 not out. Great effort.
  9. This is just one of the best podcasts ever put up on here. Absolute class from start to finish. Any more to follow?
  10. How good is that! Thanks for putting up. Tomorrows sounds at work sorted.
  11. A very righteous way to begin the week. Lovely stuff Kris.
  12. And about time too! Tomorrow's listening at work sorted. Thanks, Steve.
  13. It should have done. Would it have been an under the radar type track or simply not known until recently?
  14. It's a British thing (so I've been told). A quick Google might throw some light on it for you.
  15. Not dumbing down anymore. Questions on singers exemplifying the genre! FW kicked it off but the bonus questions have bombed!!
  16. Like I did? And then a tad disappointed
  17. Just wonder how many people looked at the topic title and thought they were on the wrong website!
  18. Never had either of them Kev, but just prefer the more uptempo "Butterfly". It's pretty cheap on Balja - maybe £30-£40 I guess. I asked when it might have got some action because it had the Mecca written all over it. Knew you'd have 'em!
  19. I love the slower "I wish I knew" but are you saying you don't rate "Butterfly" Mal? It's a stormer - kitchen sink job.
  20. When did this start getting action? From '75 it would have been perfect for the Mecca. Magnificent track.
  21. Not doubting anybody's right to shell out £12k for a single, and a truly great one it is, but records like this make me realise just how much quality stuff is available for us mortals.
  22. Of course How good is it though?
  23. Brain freeze. Can't think who this magnificent piece of music is by. Help me out. Ta much
  24. Mae Young - "No ifs, no ands, no buts" Burning Bush - "Keeps on burning" Eskew Reeder - "You better believe me" E.G Taylor and the Sounds of Soul - "You made me mad" Don't know if these qualify on price but they do on tempo.

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