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Everything posted by Jaco

  1. Sad news indeed. So grateful for the music and so glad that some well deserved recent success was achieved with Ten-63 “I’d rather hurt myself” will never not be in my top 5.
  2. Few from San Jose, Costa Rica before I head home
  3. The point about false negative or positive outcome of a PSA test is well made. There are now a number of alternative tests - PSE being one of them - but not sure if this is available in UK. My PSA was 348 when diagnosed so no real doubt about my condition. A biopsy and scans only confirmed that cancer had spread beyond the prostate gland. Having a PSA test can be potentially problematical but perhaps any perceived controversy isn’t whether there are any benefits at all in the test, but whether the benefits outweigh the harm.
  4. Just sat here in San Jose, Costa Rica, musing about how being diagnosed with incurable prostate cancer, actually provided me with the opportunity to see life from a different perspective. I’m in my 10th year and probably beaten expectations. In that time I’ve become a grandad to 2 beautiful girls, something that I thought might not happen in my lifetime. I’ve travelled extensively and regret nothing about how life has turned out. Anyhow, given that this twat of a disease is now up there amongst the most common cause of cancer deaths, perhaps men of a certain age need to be reminded that signs associated with prostate cancer symptoms are not readily dismissed as being age related. Screening does not take place in the UK put PSA tests can be offered on the NHS if a GP thinks symptoms warrant it. There is significantly more awareness of the disease than when I was diagnosed but there is no downside to prompting you guys to be vigilant. You owe it to yourselves.
  5. A few from Panama, including the canal
  6. Long time in the making memorial event for two well known members of the scene,, who were taken from us way too soon. Billy Ball and John Atkinson were stalwarts of the Northern scene, Billy from the early Wheel days and beyond, John from the Mecca and Casino years. Friends and associates to come together for a few hours on a Sunday afternoon to listen to some classic sounds from their eras and reminisce about the times spent in their company. Please note this is not a vinyl event, just sounds that hopefully people will enjoy. Event is free and some food will be available from 5.30pm/6.00pm onwards. Donations will be most welcomed - proceeds going to Prostate Cancer Research and Alzheimers Society
  7. Jaco

    Denis Law

    My first game was Blackpool away 16 September 1963 so definitely didn’t see his debut. He didn’t play that day and we lost 1-0. Thankfully there were so many games where he played, scored and celebrated with the that iconic one arm raised gesture.
  8. Jaco

    Denis Law

    Denis didn’t play unfortunately. He was injured. John Aston took his place. I was there as a 13 year old.
  9. Jaco

    Denis Law

    Denis Law, the one and only king, dead at 84. He was my true hero as a young red. A passionate player and a natural goal scorer. The triumvirate of United European Players of the Year now all together. RIP king.
  10. Currently watching “Lockerbie - A search for truth” Heart breaking stuff, opening episode extremely poignant. Colin Firth masterly portrays Dr Jim Swire who’s daughter was a victim and who searches relentlessly for the truth behind the atrocity.
  11. Late afternoon sun, Marbella
  12. Thanks for the tip but we didn’t get to it. So many things to cram in on a short trip. Amazing city.
  13. Couple of pics from the Danube at night. Parliament building and Buda Castle
  14. Agree, Kev. How this got left in the can is beyond me.
  15. Sardinian sunset
  16. The Songtress contains one of the greatest vocal performances ever. “No more tears” for which, according to Richard S, the final cut was done in just one take. Michael Powell, Otis Smith, Patrick Moten collaboration - pure magic. The short lived Beverly Glen label didn’t half put out some great albums
  17. Yep, agree on "Still caught up" The end of "I still love (you still love me)" is complete genius. Disturbing, but genius.
  18. Would have been my choice. I remember thinking that this was soul music on a completely different level to what I heard before. 50 years on and "I'm tired of hiding" and "I'm through trying to prove my love to you" still bring goosebumps when listening. Simply amazing.
  19. Mallorcan sunset
  20. I have a good number of these, always found them excellent. These off the top of my head are definitely worth having if CD’s are your thing. ”Love and jealousy” ”Lay back and chill” ”Crossover to soul” ”Memories & souvenirs”
  21. Currently watch “Painkiller” on Netflix. Film style documentary about America’s opioid epidemic, its causes and consequences. Deeply disturbing as how a family in the pharmaceutical business conspired to effectively cause addiction to painkillers, purely for profit. Episode one done and looking forward to the rest.
  22. Kev, All good here, mate. Now retired and spending a lot of time catching up with a back log of mixcloud stuff. Who knows maybe one day I'll take that short trip to The Hideaway.
  23. Awesome Kev. Few new ones for me to check out. Venue right up my musical street.
  24. Blue Mosque Istanbul Basilica Cistern Istanbul
  25. Big fan of Steve Scotney’s podcasts. Scotters on here. Lots of crossover, mid tempo, 60’s etc. Dab of Soul a great weekly listen too. Mal C has some great stuff. DJ Aware also worth a listen. Matt Fox, Samuel Hugosson, Steve Plumb all feature in my Mixcloud downloads.

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