Just sat here in San Jose, Costa Rica, musing about how being diagnosed with incurable prostate cancer, actually provided me with the opportunity to see life from a different perspective.
I’m in my 10th year and probably beaten expectations. In that time I’ve become a grandad to 2 beautiful girls, something that I thought might not happen in my lifetime. I’ve travelled extensively and regret nothing about how life has turned out.
Anyhow, given that this twat of a disease is now up there amongst the most common cause of cancer deaths, perhaps men of a certain age need to be reminded that signs associated with prostate cancer symptoms are not readily dismissed as being age related. Screening does not take place in the UK put PSA tests can be offered on the NHS if a GP thinks symptoms warrant it.
There is significantly more awareness of the disease than when I was diagnosed but there is no downside to prompting you guys to be vigilant. You owe it to yourselves.