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About Rushden8

  • Birthday 08/08/1957

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    johnny boy pryers cause

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    Put on Rock Foundation back in the day i got a -6 on here well loved ha

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  1. Happy New Year and keep up the great work m8
  2. Book 2 "Our Soul Music Journeys" 338 Pages Foreword by Dennis Locantore Introduction Steve Bardsley Contents Chapter 1 Jan Lisewski ( Eulogy) by John Warren Chapter 2 Paul Stuart Davies 2015 ‘Northern Soul Survivors Chapter 3 Ronnie Canada by Paul Mason Chapter 4 Lisa Boogaloo – My Journey Chapter 5 George Wallace & Maureen Wallace Soul Travels Scotland Chapter 6 Joan Bosson I Never Went To Wigan Chapter 7 Paul & Gill Feeney Northern Soul Story Chapter 8 Dana Smart Mixtape Memories Chapter 9 Steve Trindall 55 Year Northern Soul Story Chapter 10 Nay Nasser USA Soul Story Chapter 11 Tony Gallagher My Soul Music Journey Chapter 12 Dennis Locantore The Ronnie Walker Story Part 2 Chapter 13 Izumi Sawamoto The Naked Restaurant Japan Chapter 14 Mark Speakman Story Part 2 Chapter 15 Bob Norman Story Chapter 16 Nettie My Soul Story Chapter 17 Simon Bayliss Soul On The Dole Chapter 18 Barry Simpson The Man In The Suitcase Chapter 19 Jayne Hulme All Aboard The Global Express Robert Paladino The Impact Of Northern Soul Chapter 21 Paul Stuart Davies Kim Weston & Gloria Jones Chapter 22 Pat Gwinn It’s The Story That Never Ends Chapter 23 Steve Bardsley The People And The Places Chapter 24 John Warren The Runaway Train
  3. This is John Warren an (Australian soul music lover) 2nd book titled '' Our Soul Music Journeys '' which will be released in December 2021. Tap to view this Soul Source News/Article in full
  4. This is John Warren an (Australian soul music lover) 2nd book titled '' Our Soul Music Journeys '' which will be released in December 2021. Being dyslexic made it very difficult writing a book so Soul music lovers I have met on my music journey have contributed with their own personal stories . The main object of our Soul music books is to gain awareness that a lot of soul music artists, especially in the USA find it difficult to survive. Hopefully all music lovers will understand this sad fact and as the project evolves so we can publish more Soul music journey books to help them. Music has been my passion for 46 years from being a DJ (Johnny ''Redpants" Warren) to a collector of vinyl soul music. I am currently living in Scarborough village Queensland Australia. I have been blessed having 3 daughter's & 1 son. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0646850369
  5. Thanks done and appreciated best John
  6. Sorry for the slow response had a holiday. Yes please and would be very appreciated. Best John Warren from Lockdown in Queensland Australia
  7. I have written a Eulogy chapter to start book two publish date will be December 1 2021 and if any one would like to a have some there words added please put them in here and it will be done.
  8. It ia also available in Kindle format with an audiobook in the planning stages. Book two still on target for a December 1 release best John
  9. The book is been revised and republished and available on all Amazon sites and thanks to all who have surported us previously .
  10. John Warren Our Soul Music Journey Book One New revised Cover ( front & Back ). Re Published soon. Book Two published December Ist 2021 A big week the book was unpublished on Monday finally after making Amazon and Jeff Bezos aware of their ''duty of care'' to me as an author that monies can not go into a deceased publisher's bank account forever. We know will start the process of recovering the funds that legally belong to the book and its beneficiaries. This week Steve Bardsley kindly worked very hard on the new front and back cover as all the images on the old cover are tied up in legal Copywrite so a fresh start. Book one is in the Amazon process (72 hrs) for approval before it is published again and I then relaunch, I have had to do a new IBSN but hopefully retained all the reviews etc. Please review . The Blackpool Mecca changed my life and maybe a lot of yours! it was so far ahead of its time so in honor of it, we put the photo of Colin Curtis ( Diamond) & Ian Levine on the back cover. I hope you agree Steve doing an amazing job on it.
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  11. Patty sorry you had to find out through my original post his loss be felt by so many and he not be forgot best John
  12. Both currently in hospital at the moment. If you like to put a smile on Archies face join me sending a card to Mr. Archie Bell PO Box 24334 Houston, Texas 77229 USA Timmy Thomas spoke to his good wife today & he be out of hospital in 7 days . Timmy and Jan lisweski R.I.P my editor publisher and good mate passing has also upset very much , Timmie ''he was the best manager '' I ever had he told his wife. To all who have bought John Warren Our Soul Music Journey on Amazon thank you. Book 2 I am still aiming to have the Timmy Thomas story in it. Keep safe best John from Queensland
  13. Tonight I sadly learned that my ''Soul Brother '' Jan Lisewski had passed away in Miami USA. He was the editor of our book "Our Soul Music Journey'' but he was much more than that the book is a reality because of him! The world is a much poorer place when someone as loved as him passes his knowledge and passion for music is legendary. I lost a friend and brother and I am truly gutted I loved you mate. R.I.P till we meet again x My thoughs are with Erika & family x
  14. My first In 20 years posting worldwide - posted 2 45's to the UK $29 post took 5 weeks and arrived yesterday with really bad heat damage. So I started a thread on soulsalesinoz on facebook to find its happening a lot . One lad has just done a $470 refund. Its take years to build a good reputation thats being distroyed by are useless Australia postal no service mob of cretins. So question is are the postal services heat treating them or are they sitting in dubai? Best Johnnyredpantswarren

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