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Everything posted by Soulbarner

  1. Do you do Trades?
  2. What?, Records that Make you Actually physically ...CRY TEARS!!!!!!.............Erm............... NONE!!!!!
  3. XOVER/MODERN.......
  4. Your Givein ,That Carl Henderson ,Away Tony............. not like you !!!!! top ,top tune
  5. what a tune!!!!! ............ but im skint
  6. spot & the blotters, circulating, on equal......... is it a hard one and how much£££???? thanks
  7. Ask Paul Harris!!!
  8. was'one on ebay? yesterday!!!!
  9. PM'd you Nev
  10. seriously' some nice tunes for sale , see ya satnight!!!
  11. well pieboy, you haven't had any other offers, £25 and prime spot!!!!
  12. P/Md you ,Pie man
  13. Do Tell??????????
  14. Gave it me? ............im sure i gave you £35 for it!!!
  15. PM'd you
  16. pm'd you
  17. FookinHell Nick' dont Burn ur sen, Out
  18. p md you nick
  19. Leo Price............ top top tune!!!!........ far to cheep!!!!!
  20. Very True, Excelent tunes, pluss i think he 'should be made to do the later spot's ' as he likes to get on erly , and get it over with, then he' can relax , and Anuther Top class DJ'/Collecter is Cliff Clamfiled
  21. Paul Harris, ive had some good deals off Paul over the years ...considering he's a Yorkshireman!

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