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Everything posted by Manfromsoul45s

  1. Just a final reminder on this as i am out until about 6.45pm tonight.. had various offers from various people and places and they are currently: Magnetics £2750 Ty Karim £1600 Fantasions £600 Erine Johnson no bids at the moment but will not take a bid less than £1000 Good luck if ya bidding
  2. just a reminder. offers end 10th at 8pm
  3. THANK YOU.......
  4. oohh for gods sake mate...lighten up. if you took that literally maybe the scene is not really for you.. Bring back Pete lawson I say..
  5. I don't think it does have to be seen as that. The trouble is the most vocal on the subject over the years don't go nowhere. I have to say though when the white swan in mansfield was on (R. Marroitt & J. Wensiora Promotion). there was a mixture of all genres and the only people to squark were oldies fans, but hey mr m's was peanut flavour i think. but even that died off like most venues to be followed by another later on. But nighters are'nt the lifeblood, they were years ago but not so much now, and it certainly is not "a way of life" we said that when we were kids..but hey if people wanna conduct there day to day affairs with baggies on and smashed thats their choice i suppose.
  6. I think this thread says it all. Too much talkin and no doing and that will never change. I have and others i know have ran venues over the years because we were constantly told "we need an upfront venue" but then to hear "sorry i can't make it to this one, but good luck and will try to be at the next" again and again and again, (when they have gone to their local oldies night) Now all that happens is "could'nt make it to this one any chance of a playlist" Personally i don't think playlists should be posted..if you wanted to see if it was a good night you went to it and sitting at home judging wether or not it was a good night does'nt help..yes the sounds help, but it is ultimately people you see there and the laughs and jokes you have on the night. I have been to soul nites with very upfront values to find (and hate to say this) a bunch of boring chin scratchers.. I think the saying is there is nowt as fickle as folk...
  7. Just keeping it up there..........
  8. Just giving these a bump...All ending next monday..
  9. Also added to end 10th sept...got to be a serious offer to let go Ernie Johnson "I can't stop the pain" Artco VG+ plays great no problems
  10. It's alright...But it ain't the New Christy Minstrels...
  11. Will be adding a couple more in the next couple of days so keep an eye out folks
  12. Also added Sonny Jones "Stolen Moments" (Scram) £250 EX to M-
  13. The following three up for "serious" offers. Magnetics "I have a girl" (Ra-Sel) Ex to M- Ty Karim "You Just Don't Know" (Romark) M Fantasions "GI Joe we love you" (Thomas) Ex to M- Cash offers only on Ty Karim and Magnetics but would consider trades on the other. I will leave upi until 10th sept..offer have to be good or back in the box they go. if you win and want to paypal you pay the fees.
  14. Hey, that's class...just because them cherokees are after me....
  15. Even better "here i was, digging a hole" now that's a floater
  17. Now i know that americans do have a habit of posting any old sh**te as northern but this has to rank up as one of the best...Mick, Sam, Butch, Arthur ya better get this one quick before it takes off.. https://cgi.ebay.com/Northern-Soul-45-Berna...1QQcmdZViewItem Item number: 280145624225
  18. Why does it always resort to the same stereotypical view that anyone who buys rare records has no taste and all ego...BORING..BORING...if every record played was cheap and cheerful the scene would not have lasted in the way that it has..most records that have been played over the years were at one point "rare" records..Nothing wrong with good rare or common records but i have seen soul events try to run with just cheapies ethos and people then moan "I can hear this at home". and nothing and i mean nothing in life is free my friend.
  19. mmm. interesting but one a similar topic what was the story on the b side of happy cats on grapevine. " Destroy that boy" don't think it was released but never new the story behind it.

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