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Everything posted by Manfromsoul45s

  1. It was a general statement and not directed at anyone in particular. if it was i would have said so calm yaself..ya come, ya go..
  2. Seems to me people seemed obsessed with price. If people are buying a record for an amount they are happy to pay but constantly worry or moan wether the price goes up or down then collecting soul (especially Northern) is not for them. Prices on the scene have been like this since day one and are not suddenly gonna change now..Collecting is not for the faint hearted..
  3. Was going through some old soulful garage and house tunes last night and pulled out something I bought as a new realease from 94..I fainted and am scared to leave the house now..
  4. A couple up for offer..Pm's please Oaxaca - Stop your crying (Mariposa) - VG++ Top crossover track and very rare Johnny Dollar - Girl your mamma told ya (McCormick) M- Super rare Early Northern Shaker..
  5. Yes Jock I'm with you there..He is really becoming a polished Peter Powell..
  6. 19:00 - 21:00 Northern Soul with Dean Anderson - https://www.boundarysound.co.uk/ With special guest - Northamptons owns Cliff Steele..
  7. TINA ROBERTS "ONE WAY OR THE OTHER" (SECURITY) VG+ ON HOLD Does that answer ya question...
  8. 3 tunes up for offers.. RAY MARCHAND "SHIP OF FOOLS" (DORE) M- Former stafford monster and still getting plays... TINA ROBERTS "ONE WAY OR THE OTHER" (SECURITY) VG+ plays great and still very rare..not looking for as much as mannies from last weeks auction either... MAJESTIC 4 "ONE OF THE CROWD" (TINA) M- Much rarer than the Grand Prees version and better in my opinion. Offers by pm please..
  9. Mine came from via Rob Thomas (the original acetate) I know he cut a copy for searling and the boots were copied from that via the radio i believe.
  10. Good laugh though. We should do it again sometime. Near future guest should be Mr Steele ( the spanner who helped out our poor memories) thanks Cliff.
  11. Some of the laughter might be down to a certain person (nameless, but not me) guffed in a 12ft x 12ft booth with no ventilation..
  12. This is what he looks like in the daytime..
  13. Although my past attempts at Cd recording are a bit like yours, anything could happen.
  14. 19:00 - 21:00 Northern Soul with Dean Anderson - https://www.boundarysound.co.uk/ LP Soul Special Tomorrow
  15. Oh yes, I forgot about the cake..
  16. Well you'd not moaned for a while so I thought I'd help you out.. but again I think her voice was just perfect and the backing singers did the doo too... You missed something out. Not only did we not have to go to the bar, but were fed pizza and wedges..
  17. Agree with you there mate..She has done enough material over the years to not to resort to an almost "Seaside Special" montage and sing other peoples songs..Fantastic voice and no question but song choice ????? To be honest, to see Frank dressed up was worth the admission alone..
  18. What a fantastically crusty set of instro's..enough to make ya milk curdle..
  19. Hi Jock, God you got some time on your hands..Agree with a few points there mate. I'm not sure that things are any different in some ways to what they were years ago..Me and Dean Anderson used to put alldayers on (and someone is going to have to help me on the dates as I can't remember) In Notts & Derby mmm. maybe 87-88 but not sure now. Dj's of the time varied but included Butch, Andy Whitmore, Cliff, Some of the Scottish Crew, and various others which again i can't remember. Then butch was breaking through as a dj playing Diane Lewis, Just Bros, walter & Admirations. Mr Whitmore playing underplayed & Unknown crossover and turing many a head in the process. Everyone playing a combination of 60's 70's and 80's soul with the desire to push the boundaries. But even back then, the vast majority of people who "cried out" for this type of policy at a venue never came, instead opting for an oldies doo that was nearer to the manchester ritz or whatever bank holiday nighter was on. Personally we had good times there so no complaints on numbers, but what people say they want and what they actually want are usually 2 different things..
  20. Universal "Diamonds & Pearls" / The Other Bros "Gonna Find a love" / Larry Reynolds "Sweet Tooth"
  21. With you there Cliff..The most boring thread to start. AGAIN...
  22. Hey now then funny hair!!
  23. Good job they don't give you a mic as nobody has a clue what the f**k you on about most of the time mate...
  24. ooops. Logged on as Hooty, its not him, its Byrney

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