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Everything posted by Jenko

  1. Sad loss to the soul scene , we had some great nights with him and the 86 club crowd at Swancote. God bless R.I.P . Paddy and Mary Jennings.
  2. I would swear the rumours doing the rounds at the time was that it was recorded by Barry Blue ???
  3. As a 17yr old I was searched on the car park after getting off the Wolves coach and busted .I was put into ds car always remember it was a mini and told to put my hands up till we got to Wigan cop shop. Charged with possession and intent to supply and put in a cell with a very well known member of a family from Stoke , what a learning curve that was , and from that day my life changed I was in.... people would say hello how u doin, all cos the drug squad wanted names of suppliers ,dealers back in Wolves and I was sayin nothin, and now I was in with the Stoke lot to. My parents were non to happy with me being 17 they had to fetch me from Wigan cop shop to bail me.
  4. Ben.e.king.... don't play that song.......does it for me
  5. Went to watch England at,Wembley a few years ago , touts knocking out tickets at way over the odds , the Wolves Lads turned hi m over and gave the tickets awayin the pub to anyone who hadn't got one, and invested his ill gotten gains behind the bar,
  6. I'm with you on this one Pete ridiculous pricing nowadays for concerts and don't start me on ticket touts. Grieves me to pay over the odds to watch my beloved Wolves.
  7. Just watched the film, saw flashes of my own past .....even down to the long leather .thought the casino toilets looked a bit clean and empty of obligatory nutters. Would love the film to have put across more of the friendships you make with people from other towns , all with the same love of the music , mundane jobs,etc. Saw plenty of older lot fixing up on Jethros coach back in the day just seemed the norm, made new friends along the way and lost a few to to gear. That's the gamble I guess.
  8. four tops ask the lonely ....... reduces me to tears ...
  9. Wonderful words well written, we go back a long way........ as I said in an earlier post had many a bollocking off Helen ( always deserved lol ). Keep your chin up mate, sure H is very proud of you ............... a wonderful lady , God bless . Paddy and Mary Jennings.
  10. Pretty sure I had one from Pep with Pointer Sisters - Send him back , other side was Zola - KIng Errison must have been end of 76 at a guess .. Jenko
  11. Bonus the Lighthouse Cinema in Wolves is showing it in Sept...... Cheers Jenko
  12. Growing up in Wolverhampton for me it was , Blue Max , Pep , Swoz and later on Harpo...... on a wider spectrum Richard Searling ,Dave Evison , Steve Whittle cheers
  13. Along with Swoz probably taught me everything i know about about sounds , artists , labels etc .. a true gent. R.I.P mate Paddy & Mary Jennings .
  14. From just before 2nd anniversary to mid 78 prob 50 id say maybe a lot more sometimes did Mecca then onto Wigan.....then with Oldies nite .. and all dayers at the Ritz and Tiffs Newcastle bloody hell.........best times of my life Jenko
  15. Three that remind me of my younger days that never get played Cochise - Paul Humphrey Girl , dont make wait-Bunny Sigler. Im comin home in the mornin- Lou Pride...... cheers Jenko
  16. I had a bagfull of appettite suppressants confiscated by the drug squad one night... just seconds after disembarking from the Wolverhampton coach . The local plod were very friendly though even allowed me to stay bed and breakfast at the nearby cop shop , very accomodating .. Jenko
  17. Would love copies onto cd from Casino days if you have any spare , my old mate..... cheers Jenko ( If you are not sure who I am check with Harpo )
  18. No .... John Peel didnt play the mandolin on Maggie May.. he pretended to play the mandolin on Top of the Pops while Rod Stewart mimed to the aforementioned track, its just one of those stories thats been passed down the years sorry ...Jenko
  19. How you doing mate thought I would have seen you at Pommas memorial do , good luck with the new web-zine format sounds like a good idea , did you get the new shop up and running yet or is that on the back burner with the economic climate we are in at the moment . If theres anything thing you want me to do to jolt your memory with the things from the past just e mail me .....sure we have some good memories between us from way back that people would be interested in cheers mate
  20. Was this this the same "Caught you in a lie "that was released by a female called Louisa Marks what a brill reggae sound that was , now that does take me back to the early 70,s sure it was on a disc with a black label with gold writing Black Wax or Soul Wax , sorry to have gone off topic but thanks for the memory ... Jenko
  21. I know that the Soul in the Sun in Tenerife / Lanzarote is very succesful , having attended the Tenerife one myself , but has anyone ever tried promoting Northern/Motown gigs in Ibiza. Only 2 hrs away , Friday night flight , sounds ideal for a weekeender maybe. I have holidayed in Ibiza for the last ten years and apart from the odd Motown tribute band there seems to be nothing along these lines at all . Just wondered if it had been tried and failed in the past , the promotors out there seem to have the venues tied up with dance / house and wotever anyone willing to take it on cheers Jenko
  22. You were right about the restaurant its quality grub , popped in a couple of times during the fortnight. Also had a couple of jars in the Cavern Sports Bar , Pete the Gaffer saw me looking at the framed photo of the Casino on the wall , and we got chatting and reminiscing , all in a great holiday and resort cheers Jenko
  23. "Ask the Lonely " always brings a lump to my throat , managed to get to see the Four Tops twice , great live act ....
  24. Hi Mrs Evison , can you please say hi to Dave for me , we go back a long way but havnt seen him in years . We share the same passion for music and football but where we differ is our teams ( Wolves to his Stoke ) . We have debated our diffrences on many occasion at all nighters over the years ... as you do Many years ago I sat in with him at Signal Radio and watched in awe at his enthusiasm and passion for the show and his listeners , hope to see him soon around and about cheers Paddy (from Wolves obviously)

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