The more I've looked into it on the web since my previous posts............I might be eating my words..........I'm kinda now leaning towards the cover version from budget 60's LP idea. As previously noted by other posts, there were plenty of cover versions for budget LP's recorded in the US and UK throughout the 50's and 60's. Record gets released by a big artist, gets well known......then rather than paying royalties, budget LP producers cover version of the 'well known' record to include on a LP on 'past' hits. Very plausible……I’ve got a number of LP’s and EP’s in that vein……..don’t remember any ones which are better or as good as the original version though (I'm not saying this is better that Ray Charles BTW). Whether it is Sandy Philips or not, I expect we'll never know. Could just be a 'studio' artist and band that some in Belgium has found along the record digging path!