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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Agree, great group. I interviewed Blackfoot (and Norm West) in Memphis for an article I did on Blackfoot for Juke Blues magazine a couple of years back. 'Foot' was great, kept talking til basically I ran out of questions, I was also lucky enough to catch him live a couple of times, his voice is still a good as ever. Paul, I heard Ann Hines (who sang on record and went on tour with Blackfoot) was to be on the current line up of the Soul Children on their recent tour... was she there? Agree with Kev above, 'We're Getting Too Close' is also one of my favourite Soul Children tracks.
  2. Strange to see an 'Ian Levine love in' on here for a change. From what I've heard (and please feel free to correct me) a lot of the artists agreed to be filmed on the understanding that they'd get some money out of the royalties and/or at the very least get a copy of the finished product. Will any of them even get a copy this time? Glad you're on top of this Paul, at least some of the artists have a chance of actually getting some money this time....
  3. Nice one, Sean. I made up a CDR of William's tracks for myself some time back and couldn't remember where I'd gotten this track. BTW Love the Mille Jackson CD. Kept meaning to gather the best of Millie's mid to uptempo tracks together for my own listening pleasure, but could never have come even close to the great comp you and Ady put together. It's rarely been out of the CD player since I got it....... Thanks, Martin.
  4. William Bell - I'll Do Anything For Your Love, Anyone know what Label/ Album this track comes from. Thanks, Martin.
  5. On again Now til 2.00pm..........
  6. Thanks for the positive feedback Jo, much appreciated. Glad you liked "Theres no use hiding", an absolute all time fav of mine by Gene Townsel from his 'Time Wounds all Heels' album on Dobre. Another terrific track on that LP is 'I'm Walking Away', I'll give it a spin next week for you. Martin.
  7. Celtic Twist soul show with Danny Duggan and myself Martin Goggin ...on NOW.... til 2.00pm https://www.starpointradio.com/
  8. Just heard this from a friend in Chicago, and then saw your post Bob. Unbelievable!!! Like you said, sad times for the Levert family. Poor Eddie. For a parent to bury two childern in such a short space of time is tragic. It's getting little or no coverage in the mainstream media, but is one of the main topics of conversation in the black community, according to my buddy in the US. I'll be spinning some Levert tracks (again) at home tonight...... Martin.
  9. Celtic twist show on now. https://www.starpointradio.com/
  10. On again, right now......
  11. Yes, Tony. I went into River records some years back, blisteringly hot day. So while I sweated my way through box after box of records (like you said, nothing rare) he 'regaled' me with stories from behind the counter of how he bought records off unsuspecting locals over the years for a few dollars and sold them on for a fortune!!! I brought about 25 45's up to the counter, (nothing at all exciting just stax etc collection fillers, but I wanted something for my hour or so of sweat), and he whips out a few price guides and starts converting to dollars (erring on his side). I had already taken a dislike to him over his 'stories', so I just said 'forget it'. Never been back there since. Much nicer folk in Shangri-La Records.... Martin.
  12. Know What You Want - Gloria Jay (Stage Productions) Gloria 'mmmmm's over the intro for about a minute before the beat kicks in, but it adds to the overall great soulful feel. What a track!!!! Anybody know anything about Gloria Jay??
  13. Yup, same guy. Still going strong on the Chitlin' circuit in the US. Famous for his large female dancers ("Bobby Rush likes 'em big") and his Southern hit 'Sue'. He has toured this side on the pond on many occasions, but mostly in France/Germany/Italy.
  14. Terrific artist, almost all of his records are worth getting. Also well worth some of your hard earned are the Grapevine CD's of his unissued/demos,... so soulful. Try Paul Mooney on this list, he may have a few copies left....
  15. Some great lyrics on here, and I love a good wrist slashing lyric myself, but a song that always makes me grin is 'Sho Wasn't Me' by the late lamented Ronnie Lovejoy; You say your sister saw me, comin' out the Holiday Inn. And the woman I was with, used to be your best friend. Well she must need glasses, 'cause that sho wasn't me. Your sister's got a bad case, of mistaken identity. I could even give you an alibi, but all you gonna do, is turn around and call me a liar. Your sister done lied on me, she oughta take it all back. All I've got to say is this about that. If you didn't see my face, then I sho wasn't there. You can say all you want about me Go on babe, I don't care. You can put me anywhere, Anywhere you want me to be. But if you didn't come up and touch me, Then it sho wasn't me. Now I've been accused, Oh so many times. All this women you given me, They can't all be mine. You say their husbands are comin' in the front door, And I'm runnin' out the back. Well this couldn't be me baby, I wasn't raised like that. These women are jealous, Lyin' about the things I do. And even the fellas, Hah! they lyin' on me too. They'll do me wrong, At the drop of a hat. Well all I can say is this about that You didn't find my drawers Beside nobody's bed. You didn't find my hat, I still got my hat on my head. You said you saw somebody, Who looks exactly like me. But if you didn't come up and touch me, then it sho wasn't me
  16. Mint 975 posts Posted 14 December 2007 - 10:59 AM Ike Turner was a seriously talented musician/arranger/songwriter/talent scout, who played piano on recordings sessions from the age of 12. He used put on live shows in the 50's/60's/70's that were the hottest around at the time (the Stones once refused to go on for over an hour after Ike & Tina had opened for them in LA in the early 70's). Yet sadly because of a successfull hollywood movie and Tina's version of the 'Ike and Tina' story, all people will remember him for was he used to beat the crap out of Tina Turner..... I met Jimmy Thomas (who you all know on here) some years back, who was a singer in the 50's and 60's on Ike's show before and during Tina's time, and was one of the few people who remained friends with both of them after their split. I asked him what he thought of the movie 'What's Love Got To Do With It', and he said simply 'That's Tina's version of what happened'. He said some of it was true, a lot wasn't. For instance, that in the movie it looked like Tina (when she was Annie Mae Bullock) was an innocent country girl that Ike plucked from the crowd at one of his shows, then 'corrupted' and exploited her singing talents. But Tina was already going out with one of Ike's band members and had a child by him, before she hooked up with Ike.... As for the beatings (and someone on here said she was almost beaten to daeth a few times, how do you know that????)Laurence Fishburn (who plays Ike in the Movie) is a lot bigger and more intimidating than Ike. Ike was actually a small skinny whippersnapper of a guy while Tina was a wiry country girl, who was well able to take care of herself from what I've heard and read from band members and singers with the revue. These people (male and female) were on the road with the revue, and there's not a lot you can hide over months long tours and shows. Yet none of them saw Ike beat up Tina, or signs that she had been beaten up. Women are been beaten up and covering it up successfully, all over the world. And I think any man that beats a woman should be hospitalised. I don't know what really happened between Ike and Tina, but neither does anybody on here. Ike Turner has been judged and convicted by a Movie, and Tina's book (one side of the story). Any one of us can be accused of anything, but I hope to get a fair trial before I'm convicted....
  17. I've bought off Steve a number of times. Great guy to deal with. Records are always in better condition than he has graded them. Martin.
  18. Hey Tony, nice meeting you last Friday. Love TD, but to my horror I find I don't have that version of CICMM in any shape or form. Any chance you (or some other kind soul) would put up a sound file? Is the "Dunhill Goldies 45" hard to come by? (just checked Gemm, but no luck) Martin.
  19. Absolutely agree Rich, and as anyone who heard him at Utrecht a few years back will testify his terrific high tenor voice is still very much intact. My hair was standing up on the back of my neck as he hit every high note, as he went through his Kent etc recordings....
  20. Also worked with Clay Hammond.....
  21. Really sorry to hear of Kip's passing. His performance in Utrecht in 2001 showed his lovely emotive vocals still intact. I interviewed him for Juke Blues magazine (issue #52 2002) and found a gentle unassuming man delighted to talk about his music and soul in general. He was very pleased with the article and sent me a Chrismas card every year since. Almost all his tracks are first class, from the raucous R&B of tracks like 'I Wanna Be The Only One (Derrick & Vee Jay), 'I Feel Good' (Everlast), tough shuffling Northern tracks like 'I Done You Wrong' (Tomorrow) 'Tell Her That I Love Her' (True Spot & Checker), his terrific deep southern soul tracks like 'Without A Woman' , 'Take It Like A Man' (both Checker) 'Here I Am, Try Me' (Tomorrow) & 'Woman How Do You Make Me Love You Like I Do' (True Spot & Checker). And of course the humorous but not very PC 'A Knife And A Fork' which was his big 'hit' Another good man gone....
  22. Bloody hell!!!!, Tony Rounce is right, lunacy.... For me it has to be something solid in your hands before I can say I 'have' this track , vinyl preferably, but CD for unissued and super rare sides. Imagine no more rare labels to gaze at with the artist & songwriter's names laid out for posterity. Or CD's with rare photos and well researched liner notes giving credit where it's dues to artists, songwriters, musicians, producers, label owners, clubs where they performed etc, etc. In the case of the reissue CD, it's also something for the artist to treasure and proudly show to his/her family & friends All this to be sacrificed for a 20p 'soundfile' ..... what an appalling thought.....
  23. Most famous 'Nose Open' lyric was when the stones covered Bobby Womack / Valentinos' 'It's All Over Now' and changed Bobby's lyrics from the gritty 'she hurt my nose open, that's no lie' to the weak and watery 'She Hurt my eyes open, That's no Lie.' Always brings a smile to my face when my two sons sing along to the valentinos version in the back of the car and sing the correct 'nose open' lyric. Makes me feel I'm bringing them up right.... BTW the flip of Gene Taylor's 45 above = 'Don't Go Away' is a terrific deep track. A little gem.
  24. Sent you a pm....
  25. 25 quid for the Garland Green Lp?? You're practically giving it away!!! One of the great soul LP's of all time......

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