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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Mellow Fellows - SOLD A couple of more soundfile links added. Linda Masters & BK Marcus soundfiles are from the actual 45's for sale. Thanks, Martin.
  2. Couple links to refosoul added. PM or e-mail me if you need soundfiles for any of the others Martin.
  3. Further reductions!!! plus a few for offers... All 45's half manships price (in brackets) or less PM or e-mail mgoggin@eircom.net Paypal preferred, no fees (cheque or cash (at own risk)) Trades also considered, just PM . Postal at cost Paul Kelly – Chills & Fever – Lloyd 007 ex (£75 ) £35 Paul Kelly - Chills And Fever - The Esquires – Dancing A Hole In The World - Rocky Road 403 ex (£50) £25 ESQUIRES - DANCING A WHOLE IN THE WORLD - Jay J Jones I Don't Know About You V Tone 508 ex (£100) £30 Jay T Jones, I Don't Know About You, V Tonne - Mellow Fellows – My Baby Needs Me Dot 17135 (small label wear & small wol) (£50) £25 SOLD Peg Leg Moffett – The Shocker Peachtree 103 (VG+ plays ex) (£50) £25 Peg Leg Moffat - The Shocker - Soul Brothers Six – I'll Be Loving You (Atlantic (ex, small sol) (£75) £30 BK Marcus – Does She Care About Me (Gamble) (ex, v slight ringwear) (£70) £30 BK Marcus - Does She Care About Me - Gamble - (soundfile from actual 45 for sale) Lil' Ernie Johnson – Loving You (Ride) ex (£75) £35 LIL ERNIE JOHNSON--LOVIN YOU--RIDE - Linda Masters – You Can't Imagine (H&H) (VG+ plays ex) (£100) £30 Linda Masters - You Can't Imagine - Double HH - (soundfile from actual 45 for sale) Offers Joe Wilson – I'm Her Only Man (White Cliffs) VG- (great tough mover, plays as well as the soundfile on this recent e-bay sale where it went for $543( https://cgi.ebay.com/...em=400057504723 ) Otis Rush – Keep On Loving Me, Baby (Cobra) VG+ (again, plays as well as the soundfile on this recent e-bay sale where it went for $224 https://cgi.ebay.com/...em=350203841799 )
  4. Geno Washington on hold.
  5. Danny White on Hold.
  6. All 45's half manships price (in brackets) or less PM or e-mail mgoggin@eircom.net Paypal preferred, no fees (cheque or cash (at own risk)) Trades also considered, just PM . Postal at cost. Paul Kelly Chills & Fever Lloyd 007 ex (£75 ) £35 The Esquires Dancing A Hole In The World - Rocky Road 403 ex (£50) £25 Jay J Jones I Don't Know About You V Tone 508 ex (£100) £35 Mellow Fellows My Baby Needs Me Dot 17135 (small label wear & small wol) (£50) £25 Peg Leg Moffett The Shocker Peachtree 103 (VG+ plays ex) (£50) £25 Soul Brothers Six I'll Be Loving You (Atlantic (ex, small sol) (£75) £35 Danny White Keep My Woman Home (Atlas) (ex) (£50) £25 SOLD Geno Washington I've Been Hurt By Love (Picadilly) (yellow Demo) ex (not sure on price, offers?) SOLD BK Marcus Does She Care About Me (Gamble) (ex, v slight ringwear) (£70) £35 Lil' Ernie Johnson Loving You (Ride) ex (£75) £40 Linda Masters You Can't Imagine (H&H) (VG+ plays ex) £30 Best, Martin.
  7. For more info on Ronnie check out Sir Shambling's (aka John Ridley) deep soul heaven site . He does list your Ronnie 45. https://www.sirshambling.com/artists/ronnie_mitchell/ronnie_mitchell.html Best, Martin.
  8. Big Apple Brass - Lovely quality crossover, a real grower and only a tenner!! Martin.
  9. Trippin' On Your Love - The Staple Singers. Even though I've played this track to death over the years, when I haven't played it for a while then put it on again it floors me every time. Mavis' finest hour... Martin.
  10. Dav, Kent have released a 'best of' CD that has a couple of cuts from both those Lp's, plus some spring label sides, and of course cuts from 'Jealous' LP. Well worth picking up. Martin.
  11. No problem Dave. I'm a serious George Jackson fan, so delighted when anyone brings him up for discussion. Martin.
  12. I've attached the relevant page in The George Jackson Article in Juke Blues from 2002. Afraid I only mention the deep flip... Martin. George_Jackson_40_.bmp
  13. Yes, Dot 45 def by the Memphis George Jackson. The flip, a lovely deep track, is more soulful. The mid-50's sides you mentioned are not by Memphis George Jackson. Yes, PM-ed Dave and told him I interviewed George a good few years back down in Jackson Miss for Juke Blues magazine and we talked about his early recordings. I'll dig out the article when I get home tonight and post the relevant section on here. Martin.
  14. Hi Matty, Have first three. Any others?? Thanks, Martin.
  15. John Edwards - Ain't That Good Enough Garland Green-Come Through Me Johnny Taylor - Please Let Me In Martin.
  16. I have a yellow UK demo of Gino Washington 'I've Been Hurt By Love' / She Shot A Hole In My Soul' on Piccadilly. ex cond. I'm looking for trades on Motown/Gordy/VIP/Tamla Motown for upcoming Motown night. Either a 'rarer' motown single for a straight trade or a number of cheaper ones. Pm me with trade / list Martin.
  17. Yes, agree this is the way to go Mike. Martin.
  18. Love On A Lease Plan is by Johnnie Taylor.....but actually it was Johnnie Morrisette, (mentioned above on 'I'm Hungry'), who pimped...
  19. Just heard that Robert Ward died on Christmas day. Great guitarist with that distinctive sound from his magnatone amp (played behind vocal group the Falcons including their first hit 'I Found A Love' with Wilson Pickett on Vocals). A fine vocalist himself, he released some great deep sides in the early 60's (My Love Is Strictly Reserved For You /Your Love Is Amazing) and of course his Northern sides 'I Will Fear No Evil' & 'Im Gonna Cry A River'. Robert's comeback CD on the Black Top / Silvertone label 'Fear No Evil' in 1991 was a revelation, and more CD's followed. I caught a few times live and he was a terrific & warm hearted entertainer. Unfortunately Robert has been very sick for quite some time, unable to sing or play guitar. Martin.
  20. Agree all the selections mentioned so far are excellent. 'Without Your Love' from this LP is also a fine track. Only got my copy at the start of this year from Northern Nev. Thanks Nev!
  21. Hi Rob & Karen, Yes, I was at that gig in Galway as well (I live in Cork). He was great, but strange decision to leave Albert Collins (who did a set earlier in the evening) join him on guitar, Albert's harsh bluesy guitar style jarred a bit with Otis' super soulful singing, but Otis still managed to win through. Think he finished with 'Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay', and added the Line 'Sitting On The Dock Of Galway Bay' which went down well with the locals. My first time seeing Otis, saw him lots of times since and he's always put on a great soulful show. (Hope you manage to work something out, I'll def be there.....) Martin Goggin.
  22. Thanks Paul, pity I missed that gig. Saw her on a solo gig at the Stax Museum, she sounded great, a lot better than many other female singers who have sung there... Martin.
  23. Ian, first I'm delighted that somebody took the time to chase these artists down and film them. I have spoken to one or two of them over the years who were disappointed that they didn't even get to see the finished product. Which prompted my comments on this and the lack of royalties comments. (see Paul Mooney's posts above) From viewing the original SWONS I was under the impression that no in depth interviews were done. As someone who goes to the US ever year to watch and interview Soul artists, and know how difficult it can be to track them down and get their story, I was gutted as I considered it a valuable opportunity missed, I'm delighted to be corrected on this. Any chance that these interviews will be come available to us in some form or another in the future? It would be a shame to have it lying on the shelf because as you've pointed out quite a few of them are now dead. Martin.
  24. Thanks for clearing that up Paul, fingers crossed. Martin.
  25. I've mentioned above how some of the artists were not exactly 'treated well' for their contributions, but from a purely selfish standpoint it was good to get a glimpse of some of the more obscure artists even if at times it was to an awful messed-around-with backing track. However, what really makes me want to weep whenever I watch it is the opportunity missed to ask these guys some decent questions on their careers/ recordings instead of the repeated 'did you realise your record is big on the Northern soul scene?' .....For the footage of a number of artists it was some kid Levine shipped straight out of film school who didn't know what Northern soul was, not to mind who these artists actually were??? Martin.

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