This debate seems to come round every so often. With respect to bringing in new people one of the reasons myself and the other half go to venues is because people are of our age. There have been comments that youngsters don't want to be out with people old enough to be their parents. In the same vein we don't want to go somewhere that is full of young kids. I can't think of any other time.,.i.e rock and roll..when young and old alike have gone to the same place at the same time. My kids were bought up with NS and motown and they both like some of the stuff but I don't think they want to be out with a group of 40 or 50 year olds and why would they?
As for what happens when we die..............well I for one won't be worrying about that....I won't be here to grieve. Enjoy it while you're here as you do with everything else in life. I'm probably different to some on here as NS is not the be all and end all of my life...I do have a other things which take priority