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Everything posted by Bazza

  1. This post has lost me,holy grail ? that thing posted is utter tripe Bazza
  2. I was gutted when I heard this, such a nice quiet gentleman,never had a lot to say ,but a lovely fella RIP Clive Bazza
  3. My Dancing lessons where watching the great dancers in Notts ,when I was a lad ,and that's how us old boys learnt ,My spot on the floor is in the middle ,preferably when no one else is dancing Bazza
  4. Well Carl,no I wouldn't ,mainly because I dance differently to each tune ,I feel the beat I feel the emotion ,I dance to the record ,not just to the beat so I would find it impossible show anyone cos I don't know how I am going to move from one minute to the next or from one record to the next Bazza
  5. Carl I don't agree with much of what you have said,,there is no such thing as a N/soul dance moving around trying to look like everyone else is not dancing,The bit I highlighted is true,many fastish tunes have in between beats,pick out the one that suits and dance to it ,rather than jump about trying to keep up with the more obvious fast beat Bazza The most interesting dancers are the one's with there own style
  6. Good question,I have no idea Bazza
  7. Don't ask me, I'm already past it Bazza
  8. The length of this thread ,If I wanted to at the start,I would be to old now Bazza
  9. My thoughts are this,the scene as we know it will die ,it already is , OVO is important to me it adds to the pleasure of listening / dancing to it, I understand the time and effort that has gone in to acquiring it but I am old school ,Many folk don't give a toss if its proper or not,if a youngster comes in and sez to them self " I love this stuff " its the Music they love ,not the baggage and politics that come with it and why should they ,that time has gone ,encourage them and then let them sort there own scene,with out our old fashioned idea's Bazza
  10. I don't give a toss if he's 16 or 86 ,if he or she plays the tunes I like ,then he or she is a good DJ ,they play stuff I don't like then then they are crap quoting Mr Orlov "simples" Bazza
  11. I don't have a sense of humour I'm aware of Bearsy lol Bazza
  12. Age experience having a great collection ,does not always mean a great set ,I have seen as I dare say a lot of you have seen the same ,Sam, Vincent and many others can be brilliant but some times I've been left scratching my head thinking WTF is he doing Bazza
  13. Here is the sample at more or less correct speed ,still no idea tho Sample.mp3 got it its Laura lee -two lovely pillows I think Bazza
  14. The earliest boot I remember buying was J J Jackson - but its alright ,I didn't know any different back then, don't suppose its that tho Bazza
  15. Not seen it before,sureal ,very odd goins on lol Bazza
  16. Dancing to me is a very personal thing ,I have my own style and when that tune comes on and I'm in the right mood ,I'm off into by own little world ,it lifts me and you can see by my face,its a waste of time trying to catch my attention, cos I'm gone Bazza P.S ,and you can't teach that
  17. of course you are Bazza
  18. Great post and all true Bazza
  19. Handsome barsteward,I hate him Bazza
  20. Its a load of bollox,as I have said before ,there is no such thing as a N/S dance,get on the floor,do what comes naturally ,worrying about " am I doing it right " is utter nonsense who ever is doing this wants a swift kick up the arse ,moving around trying to look like everyone else is not dancing , just my own opinion obviously Bazza
  21. Well a most of my faves are not Motown,so it it would have to be all the rest Bazza
  22. Penny I never agree with any thing you say ,if the tempo is to slow its pitched up ,if its to fast its pitched down,depends on your Idea of what the tempo should be for a popcorn type tune Bazza
  23. It might be just me but it seems a lot of Popcorn is just pitched up R&B Bazza
  24. I would love it Macca ,just up my street Bazza
  25. Well,I don't know what you lot see in this tune,does absolutely nowt for me ,£800 quid plus ,give over Bazza

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