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Everything posted by Bazza

  1. Was Soultown the original label , I'm losing again ,great record Bazza
  2. There are so many ,one that gets me up every time is The Majestics - I love her so much ,hammered over played and I love it Bazza
  3. I think the Velvet Hammer tune is tosh ,does nowt for me at all ,might be useful as a beer mat Bazza
  4. Ridiculous ,,blokes A moron lol Bazza
  5. Fabulous tune,love it ,it's a bit pricey tho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmtiHcENzZI Bazza
  6. It might be ,if its a soundalike its very good ,but not quite right ,can't put my finger on what's wrong with it Bazza
  7. Just been on ,I don't think its them at all ,just a soundalike Bazza
  8. Is it the original ,it don't sound quite right to me ? Bazza
  9. Mik ,I don't who you are but I find you a little arrogant and irritaing ,you throw comments about as if they are fact ,when the only true fact is " its your opinion " Bazza
  10. Now I'm just a punter I don't DJ,I don't collect and I don't promote,,I will not travel round the country ,because a DJ has a couple of my faves,that he might not even play ,I haven't got the time the money or the energy to do it,I want to go out have a dance have a laugh and enjoy myself ,so if Billy Bootleg plays a few ,I really don't give a toss anymore Bazza
  11. For me ,it's not a Dj or promoter ,it was a dancer,back around 72 give or take ,I was a Nottingham lad ,and If you were any good on the the floor you had to be the best ,I thought I was the king of the floor ,but there was this one fella ,never knew his name, because if he was in the same club as me ,it always turned into an unoficial dance off ,seems a bit daft now ,but we were kids really ,I think we both thought " He's trying to steel my thunder " so we never bacame friends ,wish we had now ,I still remember some of his moves ,absolutely brilliant ,No idea who who he was ,but just watching him ,gave me so much pleasure ,who ever you are thank you Bazza
  12. As for Casper playing boots ,I don't think so ,it would never even cross my mind Bazza
  13. And I would rather hear Stanky ,than that ,does nowt for me at all Bazza
  14. Bazza

    Wendy Rene R.i.p.

    I heard about this yesterday ,very sad, yes and I loved " Bar B Q" Bazza
  15. Jaco first ,who played it first and when is pretty much impossible to answer Second choosing not to play a tune because you personaly don't like even if the foor does ,is to me idiotic as you say "personal preference's" and opinions Bazza
  16. Who played it first and when,never come across such a daft thread ,I remember hearing it regular 10 maybe 15 years ago ,round Nottm,Mansfield ,Chesterfield,Sheffield areas ,and its a great dance tune ,fills the floor bloody soul snobs ,bloody idiots more like Bazza
  17. Another one ,very sad ,RIP Francis ,Pat Lewis Just told me Bazza
  18. Very sad RIP Jimmy Bazza
  19. I've finally managed to find this….enjoy LETTERS TO THE EDITQR write to the Mag address with your soul letters Dear Blackbeat.... View full article
  20. As long as there is " no pushing at the back " Bazza
  21. I couldn't stop laughing when I read this Bazza
  22. I keep jumping fences ovo or not ovo ,I'm gradually coming to the conclusion ,I really don't give a toss anymore ,recent events in my life have shown me there is more to life than wondering what label etc a tune is on ,I want to hear tunes like the ones below classics Nomads Eddie daye a couple of the Magnetics and many more ,I'm a punter a dancer ,I want to go out and hear great tunes and yes have a laugh ,and that is whats important to me now you lot can like it or lump it ,I'm not bothered Bazza
  23. I loved Scruboard, but when the vocal came out it was just to poppy spoiled it ,never liked it Bazza
  24. A masterpiece ,you must be joking ,its a very average ordinary record ,if it wasn't rare I wouldn't even give you a fiver for it Bazza
  25. Well I'm not keen on it at all,a bit ordinary to me Bazza Must be bonkers paying that sort of money for it

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