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Pete Eccles

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Pete Eccles last won the day on February 9 2024

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About Pete Eccles

  • Birthday 15/04/1960

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  • Top Soul Sound
    heaven must have sent you

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  1. No mention from JM about the Tangeers being rarer on issue, I'm sure he would have used that if true. I've seen enough to suggest there's nothing in it, but last time I said this in a sales group all hell broke loose.
  2. I'd hardly say much rarer looking at popsike, much of a muchness. I've a feeling of deja vu here lol
  3. Who cares? You do your thing and let others do theirs. Never knew that there are dance rules,
  4. Vance, being a Manc you are clearly confusing Wiggin with God's country.
  5. Was a great day Graham sorry Yocky, hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. A great set, just right for Spitfire, thank you. Pete and Julie
  6. We are all looking forward to seeing you and listening to your tunes old friend x
  7. Can't wait guys, always a great night and lovely people. See you there x
  8. Ex + copy of this timeless classic. £400 + p+ p
  9. 2 stunning rarer issues up for grabs. Both in NM condition. Shawn Robinson - my dear heart, drill hole, £350 SOLD SOLD SOLD Terrible Tom - we were made for each other. £350 Plus postage Cheers
  10. 1k max and that's pushing it for a minter Anyway has the OP asked for a valuation or a want?
  11. Is the image in the OP from before auction end? It suggests so
  12. Being from Bolton I remember va-va but wasn't old enough to attend, My lasting memory is while the venue was in the basement of a multi storey building the va-va sign was on the top of the building, where I presumed the all-night 'disco' was happening, Was yeara later, when attending one of it's various night club guises I realised it was in the basement and from the description of the va-va decor it hadn't changed much, As the article says, it's still there
  13. Only just picked up on this, awful news, will be sadly missed, such a lovely funny man, rest easy old friend x
  14. Bush record player, good clean condition, full working order, Bolton area, £30 gets it, Collection and PayPal only

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