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Soul Shaw

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Everything posted by Soul Shaw

  1. hi micha i was looking on gemm.com and there is a walter and sisters on there for £98 also jm has one on there for £200 so could be a bargain atb paul
  2. nice clean copy wanted also linda hopkins - if you walk away - brunswick pm with price and condition atb paul
  3. mr blue im interested in the melvin davis,any chance of a sound clip and a photo my email address is paul_shaw63@hotmail.co.uk atb paul
  4. wanted for a friend of mine dennis edwards - i feel like im falling in love again any help would be appreciated , im not sure if it came out on single atb paul
  5. wanted please linda hopkins-if you walk away-brunswick
  6. you had one of these for sale at the start of the month !! have you still got it for sale atb paul
  7. I had the wine coloured jab label.I sold it to an italian guy on ebay,he already had the jaba copy, but collects all things johnny barnes.
  8. hi chris? ive got a m- copy for £60.0 if your interested atb paul
  9. great record, sold mine two years ago, really regret selling it ,but its not cheap either considering its not that well known. good luck with the hunt atb paul
  10. wanted larry atkins,"lighten up" please pm with price and cond atb paul
  11. i have got a fairmount demo vg+ if your interested £80.0
  12. thanks for that richard ive got one now ,waiting for it to come atb paul
  13. thanks to everyone for all the replys now sorted atb paul
  14. the one on wheel city any chance of a small sound file,there isnt one anywhere that i can find atb paul
  15. wanted jackie and the tonnets -proof of your love -d-town please pm me with price and cond atb paul thanks for all the replys now sorted atb paul
  16. hi tony just a thought do you know anyone else who might have one for sale ??
  17. hi tony if you change your mind ,let me know atb paul
  18. tony i have replied but didnt use the quote function
  19. i havnt got a clue tony, there was one for sale on ebay a few weeks ago, supposed to be a vg so i asked the seller what the real condition was,and he told me basically it was knackered but he had that up for sale at $8. i would expect to pay more than that obviously but i dont know how much more, give me a price that you would be happy with, and if we can agree i will have it off you atb paul
  20. this is the b-side to linda hopkins version of "great pretender" it is on brunswick 55286 any one who knows where, or who may have a copy for sale, please pm me atb paul
  21. r u playing tunes at the co-op later
  22. you can afford that !!!!!

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