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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Now you are pissed! I always like to use the term obscure soul as when I try and explain to people they say "oh, that Motown stuff". Nowt wrong with Motown I guess but that isn't what I like. If you get my drift. Obscure soul could be interpreted as a bit poncy and pretentious I guess. Nice
  2. The yellow ones look really nice - a thing of beauty. Peter
  3. You mean muddled! And you've not even finished your first bottle of Rioja!
  4. Love all the lyrics of Mr Bojangles - and Nina is Queen. "He danced for those at minstrel shows and county fairs throughout the south He spoke with tears of 15 years of how his dog and him but just travelled all about His dog up and died, he up and died, and after 20 years he still grieves Mr Bojangles, Mr Bojangles, dance. Simply beautiful. https://youtu.be/eAW3y5l6Dm4
  5. As I said at the beginning of the thread I wasn't really intending to comment on the actual event - rather what the two geezers had to say etc. And to see if anyone knew them - just out of interest. I live in Nottingham so it may have been of more interest to me but the thread has generated some discussion.
  6. I don't think anyone has suggested that anyone is being mislead.
  7. Your ahead of the game me old mate. I don't even know what spotify is! Peter
  8. Obviously not the same Alan - this one is leader of the labour group at Notts County Council. https://www.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/dms/Councillors/tabid/63/ctl/ViewCMIS_Person/mid/383/id/64/Default.aspx
  9. Just thought it was interesting - just up the road from me which is why I spotted it. Great to hear from you and Di, Harry. Sending you all my love. Pete
  10. Just thinking exactly the same - nice that! How's things Mr Swiftness. Peter
  11. I'm posting this in here as it's more about what these two guys have to say than the actual event - hope that ok. Not bothered about ovo, and happy to play cd's and mp3s. Does anyone know them? I don't but I'm way out of everyone's loop. https://www.nottinghampost.com/Riverbank-hosts-soul-pop-party-Geno-Washington/story-26591720-detail/story.html Peter
  12. Some info here Neil - it is The Elgins Peter
  13. Some of Keb Darge's compilations are excellent too - although some of them are quite hard to locate. P
  14. Ian's Backbeat series are very good value - with a range of styles from crossover, sixties, modern etc. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0062Y9CNE Peter
  15. I like it. I suspect it's one of those sides that are over looked a bit because of it's title. Peter
  16. I thought sellers were supposed to keep the prices on the sales post after selling rather than removing them.
  17. Nice picks Eddie - hope you find them all. Peter
  18. I know nothing about anything really. Other than my best all niter times were spent at the last days of Wigan, Clifton Hall, Cleethorpes, Notts Odd Fellows and a bit of Stafford. Done a bit since but the 80's were my time and boy I was a cocky little bugger back then. Good friends along the way too. Edit - sorry bit off thread wont post again.

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