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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I never understand why England, as a team, packed with quality players, always perform so badly. Just an opinion on a thread I haven't followed. Surely England vs Switzerland, has got to be a home banker; or have Switzerland become a good team in my not having had my eye on the ball. Excuse the pun. Peter
  2. Wow! Some work has gone into producing that introductory and opening post; thanks Roburt. Very interesting. Peter
  3. Now, Lou Pride's, I'm Com'un......................... I know I'll get lynched for this, but; there's a record I just don't like. Modern, mm, I think we're veering off course? Tin Hat Peter
  4. Wow! You got some user name there..................... Do you have a first name that you're willing to share; I'm Peter, the "99" tag has probably been almost a twenty year SS member user name tag. I think Mike thought I looked like a tea bag. Mm' funny that. Anyway, I digress. It might be really helpful if you look through the recent "most expensive/rare modern soul" thread. I'll try and find it for you Para bloke. Yours Tea Bag Pete Sorry pal I can't find it, but; Mike or one of the mods, will I'm sure find it.
  5. Hi Kirsty How are you? All good I hope. You're a lot cleverer than me - subgenre, etc.
  6. Gladys is definitely the finest female vocalist to have graced our ears and entertained us. Took a long time for this dumbass to realise, but hey, I got there in the end. Immense talent. Peter
  7. I've not been on for a bit again - I've been unwell again. So, I hope all of my friends on here; that's you - everyone, are doing ok. Peter
  8. It don't make me happy! Sorry, but that's awful; from every perspective. Martin wouldn't have touched that with a barge pole, I can't think of anyone who would have played that. LSD or perhaps a magic mushroom fest! Drop it on the floor perhaps.
  9. Hello Simon I just posted one. I also watched a good Brazilian series - I'll go and find the title. I hope you are all good my friend. El Pedro of; well, all over really.
  10. I might be a bit late to this but: has Snowfall on iplayer, BBC2 been mentioned yet? I'm just watching season 1 and I'm enjoying it - quality acting and varied story line, with a sound LA culture airing. I caught the end of a Bobby Womack track - just a few seconds in a scene, followed by Teddy Pendergrass, most of his "The whole town..................". I think the Bobby track was "That's the way I feel about cha". Peter BBC iPlayer - Snowfall
  11. I originally thought that the thread was about newbies to SS rather than the "scene" itself. I'm never going to be a fan of the so called "flash" dancing sessions that pop up all over the place. There's the geezer - I think his name is John, who wears the huge baggies, which are half way up his legs, who dances at various places, including Blackpool seafront I think. It's just not right, contrived, and attention seeking, I would say "well their just having fun", but I would get hammered if I did.
  12. Both active regions look like newt type creatures - or one a dragon. Perhaps because the newts in my garden have become active and I've seen quite a few today. I'll try and get a few photo's. Peter
  13. I'm rubbish at everything. You can therefore state that thee is better than thy; already. Peter
  14. Hi Mike Good job, well done. On a fairly amusing point, well it's amusing me as I type as it's been nagging away at me for nearly twenty years. Has the original Peter now gone; but are there new one's?! Must I continue with the suffice "99", or can I be released from the Mr Whippy soundalike? Peter99
  15. Not a spoiler but scroll down if you are spoiler extra sensitive. It's funny; well not actually. I've started watching both of these and I'm finding there to be a little too much character previous, and quite cheesy protagonist posturing and dialogue. Funny that, a shame, I was looking forward to both of them. I hope you're alright Simon. Peter
  16. It's excellent isn't it Chris. It's a Simon T recommendation. There's lots of great things coming out of Ireland. We could do with some more recommendations...............................
  17. One I bought, great record. Peter
  18. Just about finished 2. Nowhere near as good as 1, but ok. It feels a bit like Casualty in some bits. I'm looking for top Prime tips - I've just managed to get it working.
  19. Have you heard a record recently at home and instantaneously you're right in the zone. I just played this and ................... Peter
  20. It would take far more than that to offend me Mick I obviously know you - but which Mick are you. Confidentially like, and I wouldn't want to be outed, but I wore a pair of denim bags to the Birmingham Locarno once. Peter
  21. I mean, like, err, there were lots of flares and vests though.................................... Peter
  22. Bit of an old thread; a bit like me. But; this has had lots of exposure hasn't it? I'm happy to be corrected, but it's been played all over the place for yonks. I like it. Peter

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