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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. A bit of soul man O V Wright from me tonight - a cover, and album only. The strongest version in my opinion.
  2. That's pretty cool old fella. Just joking mate. One of those nice dance tracks that you can do the "cocky, posing, lazy" style of dancing to. Hope all is well Martyn. Peter
  3. Really? You've always had to have money to spare to buy the harder to get records. Not sure where the literraly or iliterraly comes in.
  4. Sending this out to Martyn - can you find them dungarees and sandals? The Delegation - Honey. You got to play it loud or it dont work!
  5. Any of these knocking around? Price? Thanks Pete
  6. The last time I even mentioned this record I got hammered from every direction. But, back in the day, if you were a dancer on fuel, this was some dance record. Trust me, I was that man - well one of em, and we loved it. Annis - Don't Play Your Games.
  7. Well, I threatened you with some disco tonight - the night is still young! So, a bit of a change of plan - going to kick off with a Kim Weston track which had its first release on a compilation back in 2005 - or there abouts. Fancy Meeting You Here - absolutely stunning. Lyrics, vocals, and arrangement - beautiful. Ave it and turn it up. It's Friday!
  8. Wow! That's good enough to be published and win competitions. Well done Steve, you're a professional in my book. Brilliant. Pete
  9. How about turning the volume up and having a bit of this...................................You know its good. Ave it! Soul music.
  10. Thanks Nat. Looks like that page has been blocked - the link doesn't work. Pete
  11. Ah. Ok mate thanks. A two sided one sided disc.
  12. The 12 is boring - just like most 12s!
  13. Cheers Mike. Don't normally have a problem. Probably cos I'm trying to use my new phone.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui2V1n17x4I&sns=em sorry link works but for some reason I can't embed it.
  15. It's Lorraine Johnson mate. Had some plays back in the day. Easy to pick up, pete
  16. That's brilliant Heikki. What a great experience and an honour to have met and chatted with him. Thanks for sharing. Peter

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