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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Never mind the bollocks old lad. Decimalisation was introduced on 14th February 1971 - so you're a year out there. As for the working out I didn't do that - this site did - https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-1633409/Historic-inflation-calculator-value-money-changed-1900.html Just put us a pint of what's good in your local on the bar Kegsy!
  2. That wold be about £41.90 today. Bargain. Peter
  3. Thanks Russ I'm going to try and step out of my hermit/recluse existence a bit this year and maybe even aim to have a holiday - I haven't had one for 11 years. If I manage it I will be going to your Greek island - your photos and posts have made it my number one choice. Thank you. Peter
  4. Looking forwards to hearing the swallows and swifts calling in flight. Daffodils are up, snowdrops, blue bells we've got through another cold, dark winter. The yellow rape seed fields will be with us very shortly - I've seen some yellow already on my rural drive to Loughborough for work each day. Won't be long either till my favourite tree - the horse chestnut, treats us with its candelabra type blooms. I can hear the canal from my garden too - its starting to hear like spring over there too - ducks, coots, moorhens, swans etc are all starting to their courting songs. Lovely. Peter
  5. Not soul related. Ending my relationship with the girl I now know was my soul mate - never really adjusted to life without her and never been in a serious relationship since. Biggest fcuk up of my life. Pete
  6. I guess as long as promoters keep getting enough people through the door - long standing members of the scene and newcomers then it will continue. And people should keep attending as long as they want to. It's impossible to compare the old days to now - its completely different for many reasons. Peter
  7. I've no idea Russ. Whether it had something to do with the subject matter - a photograph of 17 year old Black Panthers member and treasurer, stood outside a bank with a rifle. He was shot twelve times by the police some time later - even though he had his hands on his head. He has a soul legend name sake - Bobby Hutton! A quick google and you'll find the picture on line. I think it's very powerful in lots of different ways.
  8. How very dare you! I resemble that remark. Hope you're well old lad. Pete
  9. It's easy mate. Find the record on YouTube. Hit the share button just below the video, copy and then just paste into your post on here. If I can do it, well ....... Pete
  10. I'll add this banger of a dance record. Motherfox - I'm Fallen into Love.
  11. Some big hitters in those two lists Sean. Too many of my favourite records to pick out any top picks but one of them would be Tony Fox Love Let Love And Be Loved. Clifton Hall and Cleethorpes anthems most of them. Peter
  12. Years ago I swapped another record for the Cate Brothers...............................and immediately dropped it. Chipped the run in groove - playable if you miss the first few seconds but would be almost uncueable in a dark room. They were a white folky group weren't they? Doh! Peter
  13. I just bought a copyrighted photograph from the states - all to do with my interest in black american civil rights, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, you would not believe the rigmarole - it took weeks of me giving assurance after personal assurance, as to who I was, my interest in the photograph, where I lived, what I was going to do with it............................................. It finally arrived yesterday and has gone off to be framed. Peter
  14. GOOFY, MICKEY ..................... I'm not too clear about the purpose of the two lectures or the need for the caps lock feature?
  15. Hi Dave listened to the show last whilst making a curry. Top notch mate, really enjoyed it. thanks Pete
  16. Both of those records were never played at all nighters though. I stand by my original post - it's shite. It's even worse if we're talking about soul records - but of course there were plenty of shite records played that had nothing to do with soul music. As I alluded to earlier some of the dj's greatest aid was speed - some people danced to anything. I do get that.
  17. Yep its shit. Was never into the 60's mafia thing. Orrible.
  18. They still would be if you could get any!
  19. They were indeed the days - the days of our lives. I was a dancer - and danced all night. I enjoyed the smooth onset of peace and euphoria travelling to venues with my mates - and all the chat that went with it. I smoked tabs at the time and you could smoke on the dance floor - a tiny bit of heaven. The friendships and spirit have endured and still keep building today. Some of the best friends I never met are via Soul Source. P
  20. More often than not it was the comestibles which got most people on the dance floor - and kept them there.

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