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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Do divs still exist Russ? I guess they must do. Also once known as "plastics" around our way.
  2. Richard Searling has had numerous jobs in the music industry.
  3. Wasn't Martin a geography teacher?
  4. I guess it had it's time and place. Never my time and never at my place though - it is utter shite.
  5. Clapping was still very popular in the early 80's - this was a good clapper that had the crowd going. Modern soul clapping!c
  6. Welcome back Dave. I've just replaced my old copy of this with a nice white demo - the 7 of course. One of my favourite modern tracks without doubt, a superb dance record to boot. It's been hammered over the years but still stands up to scrutiny. Janice, Don't Be So Blind To Love - Skip Mahoney. Lets be having yer. Peter
  7. Hi Dean pretty sure there's a couple of old threads on this - with sound files. Have a quick search P
  8. I'm going to start a new food thread soon Pete. My homemade Punjabi curry will be my first offering - made from scratch. Pete Apologies Chris!
  9. Nope neither of those two. Im going to have to try and remember all the podcasts I've listened to in the last couple of weeks. Doh! Peter
  10. Great stuff Chris. Listened last night as I made a curry. Thanks for your efforts - well worth while. Pete
  11. Nope that's not it mate. I think I must have imagined it! P
  12. Is this it mate? Varèse_Sarabande
  13. A very gentlemanly agreement/sale. Well done lads. Nice one. Peter
  14. I am entitled to my opinion - it's an open forum and I'm a member. What you think is neither here nor there to me to be honest. Probably best to keep your half baked smart ass lecture about soul music to yourself - its wasted on me.
  15. I thought it was awful! To the point where it was stretching the term "soul" to it's limit. Most certainly sounds like a film score.
  16. Morning Des Ill take Harold Melvin please. I threw my last one in the river Trent - but that's an entirely different story! I'll sort out payment when I get to work. I hope all is well mate. Pete
  17. A thing of beauty from me tonight. The oft underrated Dells - Life Is A Time. Simply stunning imo. Ave it.
  18. Thanks Everyone Unfortunately none of the suggestions are the record in question though. Probably flushed our nearly all the versions! Maybe, I did confuse it with another record - but I'm usually good at remembering, even when I'm pissed. Which is often. There was no playlist with the podcast which has thrown me this time. I'll keep on going. Pete
  19. Thanks everyone - but none of the suggestions so far. I'm starting to think that I imagined it! Keep em coming. Pete
  20. Thanks chaps - neither of those though. Pete

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