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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Cheers mate. I spent quite a lot of time there and on the Isle Of Wight where they build the fabulous boats. Had a few great times taking a B Class Atantic out and bombing round water between Portsmouth and the IOW. I was a fundraising manager for them - also went out of a few rescues on the East Coast in a Mersey Class - Skegness and a Trent Class at Spurn Point. Atlantic Mersey Class Trent Class Ahoy me shipmates!
  2. I could be mistaken but is that the RNLI national headquarters in the background. I've been there many times - I used to work for the RNLI in the early 90's. Peter
  3. Nice pick. Scroll down to to see my pick which is culled from a Capitol compilation featuring this track too. I'm sure I have posted before but the two go together. Najee, with Janice Dempsey on vocals. Its So Hard To Let Go.
  4. No problem mate. Didn't used to care for this Marie Knight offering but it's grown on me over the years. Certainly a big, big spin in its day.
  5. I concur Steve. Although it is definitely better than Muriel Day and numerous other records.
  6. Yes, Gil Blanding a super soul record isn't it. Always reminds me of Nev Wherry and Soul Sam. I paid a little more than £4 for mine! Pete
  7. Hi Dave I buy randomly - mainly 70's and crossover but I do buy 60's things that I like and that have some nostalgic value to me. I also like really down tempo stuff and deep. For example, I have recently bought a copy of Rules by Gil Blanding. My main criteria is that it has to be really soulful, and I dont like or buy 100 mile an hour stuff. I only started collecting again a few years ago after selling up - and my record price limit keeps going up! You will have a good flavour of the things I like/buy as I am regular contributor to your great Record of the Day thread. In fact that is one of the main sources for me picking up new things. I have also now got my first ever wants list which I add to from podcasts etc. I hope you are well Sir. Pete
  8. How good is this. Mellow Moods - Tell Love Hello. From the pens of Gamble and Huff - turn it up loud!
  9. Final one for now - from the same Bobby album. American Dream featuring a sample of Martin Luther King's history defining speech - absolutely stunning and a fantastic example of Bobby's brilliance. So, so powerful. Poetry indeed.
  10. The wonderful Bobby Womack featuring Patti LaBelle from his 1984 Poet II album - Through The Eyes of a Child.
  11. They dont get much more profound than this - particularly with the images on this video. Sam Cooke.
  12. Great Roger. Not seen many of your great scans lately. I hope all is well mate. Peter
  13. I wasnt far out Dave. I always (nearly) remember then name as its one of the first climbing plants that me and my ex planted in the garden - grows really really quickly, you could get a fence well covered in almost one season. The other reason why I nearly remember the name is that my next door neighbours grandson is called Reuben.
  14. It's both. And he's always decent to deal with.
  15. Yep, I agree. Always enjoyed Joe's weekly catch up. Other great sellers obviously but Johnny's auctions are always interesting. And as you say always great condition and quality service.
  16. You can always start another thread mate.
  17. Hi All Not a picture unfortunately but a once in a lifetime experience. I was driving to work in Loughborough yesterday morning, down the A60. I was static in traffic when all of a sudden a very large Buzzard emerged from the undergrowth on the opposite side of the road with an equally large wriggling rat in it's talons. The Buzzard just avoided being hit by a car travelling towards me and in doing so dropped the rat. The rat scurried off into the undergrowth and the Buzzard flew off. Both, very lucky to escape with their lives. A great sight and so close up. Peter

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