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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. The Prince, Muscle Shoals and Alabama - got to be good innit.
  2. Yep, its a great soul record. From the same album, and just as good. https://youtu.be/lqajTgTb50Q
  3. Both decent records Rick but Charlie is king. Still regularly blast that one out at home. To this day there are a few lyrics that I've never nailed down!
  4. Here's a cheapy from me - played at the After Dark Cleethorpes Niters early 80's as opposed to the Pier. Great dance track.
  5. Sticking with Rick's theme here's a real East Coast Connection. The East Coast Connection - Summer in the Parks.
  6. Nice pick again Rick. Yes the flip is a stunning deep record. Will have a dig round later for a Cleggy classic.
  7. Spinning a few tonight - in and out of the garden, having a good drink up and making take away curry for ten people at work, which I will deliver on Monday. I've played this before but have just had it banging out here - just right for my mood tonight. A bit of Chicago soul, The Chimes - Beginning of My Life.
  8. Don't generally post 60's stuff but I was really taken with this when I first started going to all niters in 1979 - it was a big, big record back then. Absolute stonker of a dance record with superb vocals, sax and horns. Lou Roberts and the Marks - You Fooled Me. Does it get played out today?
  9. I think it is LP only. Unlike some of the other great tracks on there which did escape onto 45's. One of my favourite girl groups.
  10. Always loads of records to buy and sell. In my opinion people looking to predict the market and then thinking of selling are perhaps buying for the wrong reasons. I dont expect to recoup anything back from my collection as I am buying because I like the record - irrespective of the price. Just a personal opinion.
  11. Yep, so pretty Dave. Got a few of their tracks including this one.
  12. Pretty sure I've posted this before - but hey ho. My favourite Freddie Hughes track - although I dont know too much about his other stuff. Super vocals on a super super, soul record. I Just Found Out. Ave it.
  13. Great track mate - very under rated Mr Miles. Check out Got To Find Miss Right - LP Only, absolute stonker!
  14. Bugger! I did this post last night but forgot to hit the submit reply button! Ah, well, pissed again. Innit. It's the start of the weekend, dust down the deck, and crank up the volume into overdrive. Move your ass! J. Jocko ‎– I'm Gettin' Over - ave it.....................
  15. Yep, well done Rob. You've been hard but fair taskmaster at times but have kept the sales forum relatively problem free. All the best mate. Pete
  16. Yes Dave. Where I grew up. Albert Gray owned a really nice set of gallopers, the big wheel and a dodgem track.
  17. As a kid I worked on a set of gallopers for about five consequetive summers - weekends and school holidays. Became great friends with the Showmen family who owned them - the Grays. They really looked after us - doing little but important things like making packed lunches for school trips when my mum was in hospital (which was often). My dad was dead and we were really hard up. I wasn't used to such posh snap! Pete

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