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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Well, it's the final summer Bank Holiday, always a marker for autumn. So what are you up to? Resting, out and about, at a venue, home chores? I don't go out save for necessity due to my mentalistic state. So, I'm weighing it up - point up the little bit of garden wall which I'm going to paint bright yellow, or finish treating the wooden fence; it feels like there's so muh of it. There isn't really, I just lack motivation. I'll also be playing with Ace in the garden. Oh, I'll also be popping in here. So, how's about you? Whatever you're doing enjoy yourselves and stay safe. Peter
  2. Yes it must be. In one way I'm pleased I managed to kick the vinyl habit in 2018 - giving my last modest collection away for free sort of sealed it. I suspect lots of people are swapping and selling bits to get the new records they would like and to keep the collection fresh. Notwithstanding that, there are still some people about who have plenty of disposable income, and there are far more damaging things to buy with it than vinyl. Peter
  3. Now there's a record mate. First heard that at Wigan - one of Sir Dickies. Peter
  4. Hi Karen I hope you're ok? What a shame about the lack of bees and butterflies - all of that natural habitat and food. Good of the farmer to take part in the government scheme. I love horses; do you have any photographs. There are two ponies in the field at the side of my house. Peter
  5. I have grey squirrels that frequent the trees in next doors drive; I don't mind them. However, my Doberman rescue Ace, cannot abide them - they torment him, I'm sure for the sheer pleasure of it. They run along the fence but never put one foot in our garden - they know he'd have them good and proper. He's a right labour of love my Ace, poor boy has really bad arthritis in his back legs. He's only just turned nine as well. He's so reactive to other dogs and animals I can't take him anywhere. He only gets dark night walks, only when he is calm. He's a labour of love, but I love him to bits. Poor boy was so badly treated before I got him.
  6. Hi Rick I hope you're well my friend. We could all maintain a reasonable speed back in the day, and the speed was reasonable too. Peter
  7. Oh come on. If you want to get all prickly about something find something to get prickly about. I'm sure my contribution to the thread didn't spoil anything for anyone. Peter
  8. And he does it consistently which is why so many people sell their records via him. People knock him; but his track record speaks for itself; he knows his stuff. I mean he's been around forever............ Peter
  9. I'm gonna have a Bobby hour now........................
  10. Anything good. Well, this is what I have on, this is good.
  11. Was it a serious point, I mean, milk and biscuits? I did used to have a KFC before I had my ................................................. Peter
  12. Someone must have bought a favourite record at that price. Additionally, Johnny knows how to run an auction. I think it's one of those records - you either love it, or............................................ Peter
  13. Amazing insight and knowledge Rob, as always. Gordy is music's Don King of boxing. I hope you're well and manging to relax a bit Robb my old friend. Best wishes Peter
  14. A bit further north than Bestwood Simon. It's Sutton in Ashfield. Peter
  15. I agree; it isn't fair. Some "mug", or unfortunate, enthusiasm filled individual will probably be parted with their cash. The issue is the sellers, not the unfortunate mug. Yes, people not in the know should check, but people are people. The seller should be reported. Peter
  16. This looks quite interesting; a new observatory in north Notts, about forty minutes away from me. It might be of interest to other SS's, Steve? A five million pounds new resource should attract quite a few visitors I would have thought. Sherwood Observatory (sherwood-observatory.org.uk) Peter Pet
  17. Hi Steve Things not so bad here thank you. I don't get back to Mablethorpe at all; it feels a bit sad (of me I guess), but I just moved on from there. I last went beck in 2018 I think, I was asked to speak at Dorothy Gray's funeral - the showman family who used to run the amusement fairground there. It was quite daunting but I did it. I'm still in touch with a couple of people from there. How about you and Boston? Sending you my best. Peter
  18. Hi Steve I hope all is well with you my old friend. Charly need to get their finger out. I hope that they refund you more promptly than they've dealt (or not dealt) with your order. Sending my very best wishes. Your friend. Peter
  19. My four sunflowers are doing reasonably well, although the wind blew off the first bloom the other day. I'll exceed my previous height record (not that impressive) this year, with my best one standing at 13 feet and still growing. Peter
  20. That's a beautiful part of the country my friend. In my young, and much fitter days, I canoed the Severn River from Builth Wells down into the Severn Estuary. We took a selfie under the Severn Bridge to authenticate our trip - we were doing the trip for Guide Dogs for the Blind; just called Guide Dogs today I think. I can even remember the names of one of the puppies we sponsored - Guide Dog Hannah. One night we stayed in either Haye on Wye or Ross on Wye and ended up in a Funerals Directors place - it's a very funny story but I'll save that for a more appropriate thread. Keep the wildlife posts coming . Thank you. Peter
  21. I live in West Bridgford Dylan. There have been sightings in North Notts too. But I'm not posh. Peter
  22. On another note, I live in a suburb of Nottingham, and recently someone walked out of our local Morrison's supermarket and saw a Wallaby in the car park. There have been numerous sightings of them in other parts of Notts too. Peter

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